Tears of Regret

By: Jyotirmay Mazumdar

little Teardrop Tears
little Teardrop Tears
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Tears of Regret

With every blink of an eye, time slips away.

Neither could they, nor would I.

Hold the tears of regret,

The silent cries, the painful sorrow.

Guilt for overlooking those voices,

Nothing to look back at but a haunted past.

Drowning in my own tears of regret,

Time as a healer, trying to heal.

Wish my mind was still.

Is it just me, or are you the same?

Dwelling on those horrific memories,

Guilt steals the joy from moments.

But time paves the way for improvements.

These are the tears of regret; let these be shed.

They better not turn red.

These are the tears I’ve shed.

By: Jyotirmay Mazumdar

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