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Tag: SpaceInnovation

Space Exploration: Why we need it and its significance to us...

When we look up at the night sky sprinkled with thousands-if not millions-of stars, we are actually looking at the remnants of...

Reason why space exploration is more important than ever

 4th October 1957…It was supposed to be another day in the Cold War for the White House. Nestled in their belief in...

Why is Space Exploration Important?

When we hear the term “Space Exploration” we can only imagine astronauts stepping on the moon, and so on. What we fail...

ISRO: India’s Journey into the Cosmos

SPACE, when we hear this word one organisation comes in our minds i.e. Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). ISRO is the pioneer...

Space Odyssey- Dr. Vikram Ambalal Sarabhai

Vikram Ambalal Sarabhai was an Indian physicist and astronomer. He initiated space research and helped to develop nuclear power in India. He...

How will privatization of the Indian space sector change the scenario?

The privatization of the Indian space sector has the potential to bring significant changes to the industry. Here are some ways it...