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Tag: CriticalThinking

Needs of “OxBright” Essay Competition and How They Help in Improving...

In the era of digital development as it is today, where the development of technology is inevitable and avoided from human life,...

Significance of General Knowledge and awareness

Lately, I came across an article where a survey revealed, that more than half of the global youth population has turned itself...

Competitive Exams Helps in Developing Life Skills

Competitive exams have long been regarded as a crucial milestone in the educational journey of students. Traditionally, they have been seen as...

Fostering Scientific Temperament: A Pathway to Progress

Scientific temperament is a fundamental approach to understanding and engaging with the world. It embodies curiosity, rationality, skepticism, and a commitment to...

All About Scientific Temperament and How To Inculcate Scientific Temperament

Science, often hailed as the torchbearer of human progress, has consistently illuminated the path to innovation, understanding, and development. The pursuit of...

All about Scientific Temperament and How to Inculcate Scientific Temperament

Scientific temperament is a fundamental aspect of a society's intellectual and cultural development. It reflects a mindset characterized by curiosity, critical thinking,...

Dynamics of Experiential Learning: Fostering Creativity, Critical Thinking, and Practical Skills

In the realm of higher education, the traditional approach to learning is undergoing a profound transformation. Experiential learning, a pedagogical philosophy that...

Know About Essay vs Research Paper

"Write, rewrite. When not writing or rewriting, read. I know of no shortcuts." Larry L. King said. Writing can be of various...