Start of a New Beginning

By: Sia Aggarwal

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Every year comes to an end. It has to. We always celebrate this end. It has significance in our life. A new year is when the rise to the the start of a new experience occurs. We believe that if we celebrate and enjoy the first day of the New Year, we will do the same for the whole year. I intend to enjoy the first day of new year.

In my family, new year is celebrated with a lot of zeal and zest. We visit new places as a family. My grandparents, cousins come with us. Celebrating new year with your family is a different thing altogether. We are going to Jaisalmer, a place in Rajasthan. As it is a family get-together it will be very special.

We will enjoy the first day of the new year and celebrate with gist. Nothing can keep us away from fun on that particular day. We will obviously miss that year that just got over. So it will be a little nostalgic since the year just passed by. We will talk about our memories and what interesting things we did over the year. How much time we spent on many different activities. What important things we learnt.

In many countries there are traditions for New Year. For example, in the Spain they eat 12 grapes in the last 12 minutes of the previous year. In Us they watch a ball drop, In Japan they eat a specific type of noodles and so on. We do not follow any such religion. But I am sure that at the start of every new year we wish for something in our minds even if we don’t tell anyone. It could be the smallest and the largest wish, it depends. And I am sure that some part of that wish always comes true.

Celebrating new year just for show is not necessary, it should be done in our minds. We should remember everything we want the next year. Make a check-list of the things you need to change or do in the next and year. That will be the beginning of a new start. Life as we know can change. On the other hand, the new year might be boring and uneventful but it is still a new beginning. Sometimes a relaxing year is what you want. New Year is something that everybody celebrated and we should too.

In the end, I just want to say, it doesn’t matter how you celebrate your new year, what matters is that you are happy. If you are happy the way you are celebrating it, that’s all that matters. We don’t get that many new years in our life and therefore we should celebrate every single one with happiness. With our family, friends. I like to celebrate the New Year like this, I hope you do too.I am New Year will be a lot fun and this year will be the best new year I have ever had.

By: Sia Aggarwal

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