Social Media
Social Media
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Social media’s overall impact in the world, is the most disputed argument that has sparked mixed responses from the public, with different perspectives being put on the table, of people younger and older. Some, especially concerned parents claim that it is a pit of complete darkness, devoid of any positive outcome in a child’s behavior. While others, who put social media to an extensive professional use, insist that it is a stroke of luck that our timeline is privileged to experience.

So, without further ado, let’s finally get to the bottom of this heated squabble, shall we? 

  Social Media is only the Bane of your existence, if you allow it to be.

Social Media has officially taken over the world, with almost everyone relying on it to make their daily lives easier, and also for a little bit of extravaganza to consume their minds. Evidently, there’s no doubt that everyone loves a little pizazz in their lives, right?

While too much consumption of it can overstimulate and rupture an individual’s mind, the list of opportunities you are able to obtain is also endless, but only when it is used with the wellness of your future in mind.

Statistically, in 2022, the GoFundMe charity website had revealed that over 7 billion USD had been raised through platforms like Facebook and Instagram. And that over 55% of the people who actually interact with these campaigns on social media, are actually more willing to participate and indulge in these helpful donations. Lives have been changed overnight.

And though the common perception that young students who use social media have their minds go astray and out of focus, causing their grades to drop, overrides the perspective of the positive sides of students on social media, about 79% of them have used social media to seek educational information about their potential career paths. And 68% of them have studied on online social media platforms


Social Media, which is mostly thought to be an ‘entertainment platform’ also has many professional benefits that provide employment and overall aids you in establishing yourself in the way that you want to. 

Resumes can be published on online platforms like LinkedIn. Where you get to add every nook and cranny of all your skills and qualifications, which help hiring managers debrief and skim through your profile, checking if you have the apt qualifications that they’re looking for in an employee. Online job profiles are crisp, and organized.

Over 73% of the people who are aged between 18 and 34 have been expeditiously employed with the help of social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. 

On the business frontline, customers from overseas have a higher chance in giving your métier a chance when you advertise your dexterous products, preferably with a concise description on your product’s longevity, and the fundamental hull of the product that is being sold. So the customer is enlightened on what they’re getting, to avoid any misconceptions.

Harnessing the potency of social media for self publishing authors:

Publishing a book of your own may seem like a bed of roses, but they have thorns underneath. It requires time, money, professional connections, and heaps of productivity. Which is why many opt for self publishing through social media, as it offers a plethora of opportunities. 

Platforms like Twitter, Instagram and reddit can help a growing author indulge with the preferences of readers and elevate their knowledge on current sub genres and tropes of novels that could help their book thrive in the mainstream media. 

By posting videos and pictures about your novellas, with the trope of the books given on the description, more people are willing to give it a shot. 

Social media in the world of public connections/socialization and cultural education:

Social media has helped people who feel insufficient with their social lives develop healthy connections with individuals of different backgrounds, as they come together to form meaningful friendships and connections. Though, it is advised to exert reasonable caution when forming such connections with people online, but it can become a happy environment when done safely.

Social media helps in weaving knowledge about different cultures and festivities, and also helps in linguistic development. Over 86.75% of students believe that social media has helped and impacted English proficiency positively.

So all in all, regardless of the drawbacks that come with the usage of social media, it’s safe to say that it can still indeed be considered an efficient tool for a person’s professional, and educational development, when used punctiliously and sagaciously.


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