Should The Law Be Broken

By: Gayathri Elumalai

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Our Indian constitution book was written by Dr. B.R. AMBEDKHAR. LAW is wed to lead humans in a good way. All Nations have their own laws. The Law is equal to all humans. It strongly says the equality of human beings. It is common to all. It creates the rules and regulations and it was implemented through the government to the peoples.

Importance of law in society:

For society Law is very important. It gives the guidelines to people how to survive in the world. It allows the people for easy adoption to changes that occurs is the society. Because of the Law only the peoples adapt to their environment easily.

No Law and No order in the society:

If there is no law and order in the society it is very difficult to lead a people in a good way by the government. If there is no law people won’t follow and rules and regulations. They will be freely

allowed to do anything in the society which cause harmful things to others. A place without law and order is more dangerous place.

For example;

Laws of Roads:

There are many laws to be followed by the peoples who are travelling on the road, such as wearing helmet, follow the symbols which are display on the road, follow the traffic Light signals and etc… These are the laws of Roads. If these laws are absent the road system will be totally collapsed. People can do anything on the road.

Nowadays peoples opinion about Law:

Nowadays for people “Law” is just a word.They don’t knows the value of Law and they are not following the laws.

For examples, In foreign countries the road system are tollowing correctly by the peoples. They are following all rules and regulations of roads, such as throw wastes in the dustbin, A Pedestrain

walk on the zebra crossing to cross the coad and they continue their walking on the side path of the road.

But in India, doesn’t follow any one of the rules and regulations. It leads to an accidents on the road. India has the first place in all things like it is the nation that has the valuable resources, and etc.But it has the last place in following the rules and Regulations. If the laws are followed by the people India will catch the first place in the following laws of roads.

My opinion about Law:

According to me law plays a major role in leading my Nation into a good way, the law is common to all. It is equal to all humans. It gives equal rights to all citizens. But we are not following it properly. People are not following the rules and regulation of the constitution book. So, that  our India has the last and worst place is following the rules, India has the third place in the road accident. The accidents are done because of us. We are not following the laws of road, so that only the accidents are occurring. Therefore, I agreed that peoples are breaking the laws. For a valid reason like someone is very serious we need to save his life in this situation, we can break the law, it is acceptable. But for the reasons we are breaking the law is a un-value offence.

Therefore Law should not be break. The Laws should be followed by all citizens in the world.

          ” THE LAW IS THE PUBLIC CONSCIENCE ” – Thomas Hobbes.

According to this quote Law says about the equality of people which the paper argues is more important than justice in interpreting the law.

By: Gayathri Elumalai

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