Russia-Ukraine Conflict – A War of the Ages

By: Anshika Sinsinwar

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Essay On:

International Political Happenings in last ten years and its effect

The tensions between Russia and Ukraine are on the edge ever since Russia’s neighbors are taking a fancy to joining NATO (The North Atlantic treaty alliance) Though the problem was rooted decades ago, the seed has now grown into a tree and it’s got ripe fruits for the entire world. In 2014, the Russian invasion of Crimea almost created the world on the brink of WW3. After the annexation of Crimea, Ukraine seeks protection from NATO which would thereby make it impossible for Russia to rebuild the Soviet Union. 

Russia has warned all its bordering nations to not join the NATO alliance because if they do, NATO would provide a direct threat to Russian forces and western forces and Russian forces would be face to face.

Since Ukraine has been looking forward to strengthening its ties with the West, Russia has been watching it closely. In 2019, when the new president of Ukraine was elected Volodymyr Zelenskyy. He is the start turned out to be a notoriously weak man since his campaign aim was to end the war and bring change and bring the heat down in Ukraine. The people soon realized that he was too, like earlier presidents.

Russia thought it was the right time to reclaim the entire Ukraine, thereby getting closer to achieving its dream of restoring the Soviet Union.

Vladimir Putin declared war on Ukraine and soon mass destruction, people getting displaced from their homes, deaths happened, killings and missiles being launched.

As most people predicted that Kyiv should most probably fall under 5 days turned out to be not true. Ukraine has been fighting back and after seeing its efforts, the western nations have tried to supply Ukraine with weapons and have tried their best to not indirectly get involved in the war.

This war has not only affected Russia with sanctions and Ukraine with destruction but a lot more.

Russia has cut gas supply to a lot of European countries and the USA which surged the gas prices in these nations. Oil and international value increased affecting the entire world. Flights could not fly in Russia, isolating the country. It has also created a refugee crisis with more than 5.8 million people displaced in Ukraine. Ukraine and Russia are key exporters of wheat, barley, corn, and cooking oil, particularly for African and Middle Eastern countries. Russia is also a major producer of fertilizer and petroleum. Disruptions to the flow of these goods are compounding other supply chain and climate challenges, driving up food and gas prices, causing shortages, and pushing millions of people into hunger.

People have also suffered losses who planned to invest in Ukraine and Russian infrastructure or industries.

This war could also have some consequences. Other pre-Soviet nations have been considering joining NATO which Russia strongly opposes and has directly threatened the nation ‘that there would be military and political consequences’. If Russia attacks a NATO-joined country then, NATO would also reply back with equivalent force and WW3 would begin after that it would be inevitable to stop this war which would cause mass destruction and a possible nuclear threat.

By: Anshika Sinsinwar

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