Robots Take Over the World


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Are you exceptionally intelligent? Well, a genius? Unbelievably you are not intelligent as a super intelligent robot can be! This makes a thought of how life would be so easy, if Super intelligent robots came into existence, sink into our minds. Imagine a world where we would be like Make a vaccination for HIV/AIDS “Simple”, We need the quickest spacecraft “Fine,” Spy the Russian Army “completed.” People see this as a world of endless possibilities and the carelessly ignore the fact that super intelligence might be a threat rather than a blessing.

1954 saw the first digitally operated and programmable robot which was known as “Unimate”. This inanimate feature could perform repetitive tasks regarding hydraulic manipulation which was nothing compared to what super intelligent robots can do. However, inventing such a robot was a big accomplishment for a man like George Devol in his time. The invention of Unimate filled the hearts of people with longings and yearnings for inventing something bigger. As a result, several companies came into existence at that time and more robots were created. All this became the start for development of more improved Artificial intelligence systems and paved a way for modern robotics industry. 

Recently Weak AL systems also known as narrow AL systems were developed. These models are limited to a specific area. They can outstand humans for a dedicated task. Self-driving cars are a good hint. This is not enough! The world needs Robots that will not only stimulate human consciousness at times but also have it. The world needs robots which can tell you more than how to drive a car from point A to B. The world needs robots that can best humans in all cognitive tasks. This is what computer scientists and robotics engineers are working on nowadays and they emphasize that super artificial intelligence will be achieved soon. In this century. 

However, doubt is enormous in the hearts of many. And scientists are not sure whether they will be able to control these robots. They say they may predict what a super intelligent robot might do but not exactly sure of what it will do. Super intelligent robots, when given access to the internet and database, start like a young child struggling to grasp new concepts. It continues self-development and cannot stop. Eventually it will exceed the intelligence of humans and leave us far behind. Scientists may not even know whether a robot has achieved super intelligence. What would happen if robots exceeded the scope of programmers? Despite all the doubts, the thirst of these technologies is burning the mouth of many people on the planet, and many are yearning for the quenching water.  

Super artificial intelligence may look fascinating, yet it holds threats to human lives and our planet at large. It is not reasonable to say that with super intelligent robots’ wars will be eradicated as well as poverty, complex problems be solved without errors and work be done full time as robots do not get tired. 

Let us not forget that in the hands of wrong people, robots can destroy a massive number of human beings. Robots can be programmed to do something catastrophic like killing. Therefore, in the hands of terrorists and robbers many people can lose their lives. 

Al is programmed to do something beneficial but develop a destructive way of achieving the set goal. You might not tell a robot to go take material A from place B and put it in place C but instead say “Go and clear the way.” It will try to achieve the set goals at any means which may be devastating. Robotic engineers have tried to figure out how to solve that problem and one of the suggestions was to train robots, to teach them values and a way of working that presents advantages to humans. This was found to be inconvenient. Humans would not be ready enough to train robots. 

Moreover, people need to ask themselves how they are going to work with those inanimate creatures which do not have emotions. They cannot develop a bond with humans, and this would be a huge gap. Connection is an important attribute of team management therefore humans would find it boring to have an assistant robot or a secretary robot. People would eventually lose interest in their jobs. On top of that, robots would not only make people view their jobs as a room of boredom, but they would also leave a lot of people unemployed. Many companies will search for ways to replace their low qualified workers with robots which can do the tasks with more efficiency. There would even be a time where no workers would be needed. If a car could drive itself, a flippy robot could prepare Humbergers among others then no masters who would need servants and no driving companies which would need drivers. 

It is not a ridiculous thing to worry about a future where artificial super intelligence will be dominant. Let us not depend on the pretty instances at the start of the evolution of Artificial intelligence. Like when automated machines were invented and put in farms to replace 90% of farmers, economy did not collapse. Instead, agricultural output was boosted and the farmers who had lost their jobs went to work in restaurants. But this will not be the same case with the evolution of super intelligent robots. They will do everything by themselves even better than humans. What shall humans do? Sit at home? Future generations would be characterized by laziness. 

Furthermore, the idea that artificial super intelligent robots might battle humans should not be an amusement or a science fiction myth. If they may be able to outperform humans in all corners of life starting from creative writing, entertainment, games, mathematics, medicine, space science to be mentioned but a few, they would not fail to battle us for resources that might be needed for accomplishment of their goals. We cannot predict what they think when they think in dimensions, we cannot even conceive of. 

To sum up, the evolution of artificial super intelligence might bring dystopia than utopia. Instead of ending diseases, eradicating hunger, promoting technology, and bringing about new inventions, super intelligent robots might bring about the unheard tragedy and make the end of humanity inevitable. The world needs to be alert and careful in all the ongoing inventions and research. 


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