Regulations and Laws Surrounding Payday Loans: What Borrowers Should Know

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With the increasing economic challenges, many individuals find themselves turning to financial aids such as payday loans online to meet urgent financial obligations. While these loans can be quite helpful, it is critical that borrowers understand the regulations and laws surrounding payday loans. Having an understanding of these laws can protect borrowers from unscrupulous lenders and possible financial pitfalls. 

The Legal Framework Surrounding Payday Loans in the UK

In the United Kingdom, the payday loan industry is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). The FCA was given the mandate to regulate the payday loan industry in 2014 in an attempt to curb exploitative behaviour by some payday lenders. The introduction of stricter regulations aimed to protect borrowers from escalating debts and introduced measures that lenders must adhere to. 

Cost Cap Regulations

One of the significant rules imposed by the FCA in the payday loan market is a cap on the total cost of payday loans. The FCA has placed a limit to ensure that you will never have to pay back more than double the amount you borrowed. Furthermore, they have limited interest and fees at 0.8% per day of the amount borrowed. 

Affordability Checks

Payday loan companies are required by law to perform strict affordability checks before approving a loan. These checks are in place to ensure that borrowers can afford to repay the loan within the agreed timeframe. This measure was implemented to protect consumers from escalating into a cycle of debt. 

Data Protection and Privacy Law

Payday loan companies like all other companies must conform to data protection regulations. The laws surrounding data protection in the UK are governed by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This law ensures your data is protected and used lawfully with complete transparency between you and the loan company. 

Debt Collection

If you struggle with repayments, there are rules in place governing how debt collectors may approach you. For example, they can’t harass or oppress you, and they must consider any repayment proposals you make. 


Understanding the laws and regulations surrounding payday loans in the UK can save borrowers a lot of financial hardship. It is also essential to remember that if you believe a company is treating you unfairly or breaking the law, you have the right to file a complaint with the Financial Ombudsman Service, who has the power to resolve disputes between consumers and financial service companies. 

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