By: Najwa Al Tarika

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In 2022, young generation or what we usually call millennials, is blessed with good loads of ways to make a living. Contrary to the older generation, technology advances we alm experience for the last century has provided both employers and employees as well as businesses to flower in ways never seen before. Even as a teenager, you can have more income than the average adults.

In effect of this,  youths nowadays has more money than ever. Millennials also alter their needs and  necessities according to their income. They starts to look into living independent from their parents. In other words, they starts to look into property and real estate business. In this essay, I am going to try to describe my ideas of real estate business for young people.

Firstly, for you who haven’t been familiar with the term real estate, I will give you a brief definition of real estate. Real estate is a form of real property, meaning that it is something you own that is attached to a piece of land. It includes any resources on the land, such water or minerals, and can be used for residential, commercial, or industrial reasons.

Simply worded, real estate business is a business on buying, selling, and even building properties like mason city houses for sale, garages, offices, restaurants, or any other buildings.  Although the business of real estate sounds like something a teenage shouldn’t be a part of, their life nowadays has change so much from the past that they are now being considered as the most potential customers to real estate agents and companies alike.

How do the youngsters get the resources to be in the market for real estate business?

Millennials nowadays have a lot of income through their activity on modern technology platforms like internet. There’s a lot of new jobs opportunities with the existence of internet. Being the generation that grow up amongst the invention of internet, they are the first to pounce on the opening of opportunities and seize it to their advantage. Websites like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and many more alike, is all invented by a bunch of young people seeing an opportunity and grab it.

These websites and social media is what drives more and more young generation to follow suit and uses these newfound platform to their advantage. Facebook businesses, YouTube content creator, online trading, influencer etc is few of the many new jobs that the young people can enjoy the luxury of. These jobs whilst sounding basic, they actually one that pays really well.

The amount of income from these platforms are now way more above the mainstream jobs that other young people would’ve been doing. These youngster that suddenly has more money than they would’ve is opening a market for real estate.

Why would youths be in real estate market?

With the Myrtle Beach SC homes for sale income that they have right now, youths can enjoy better life quality than others at their age. These youngster enjoys a new freedom with their money. They want to be free and independent from their parents.

Some of these millennials feels the need to move on from family life and live by themselves. The self achievement on being able to ne fully independent is so rewarding for everyone. Therefore the sooner you can get out of your parents dependability, the better you’ll feel. Not only that, people around you will give you the appreciation to finally able to live independently.

By being independent, they will need more space for themselves. They will need to move out of their parents house and buy themself their own house. This is the reason why youngsters will be in the market for real estate.

That is why millenials nowadays has been considered by real estate businesses to be a high potential customers. The amount of the young generation accompanied by their achievements and income means that they are more likely to be independent sooner. Being independent required them to have more space to themselves and therefore moving out of their parents house is must.

That is why more and more youths are buying properties and houses alike. These sequences of events is good for the business. It drives the business into a higher gear and opens up a big door for real estate business and companies to grab and seize this newfound opportunity. The effect of this new market is that there are more customers than there are properties or real estate. In other words, the demands for the properties are greater than the property itself.

To combat this the real estate company has to either increase the number of property that they have, or yo increase the price. This is seen as a negative impact in the short term. As the real estate companies tries to meet the demands, the price will starts to creep up a little bit until the supply is restored. Although it has a negative impact in the short term, experts believe that in the long run, this new market will be one of the biggest and most profitable one in history of real estate.

By: Najwa Al Tarika

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