Rasulullah is a Good Inspiration: Creating a Positive Character in Us

By: Tiara Ananda Arifah

भगवान GOD Faith नास्तिक
भगवान GOD Faith नास्तिक
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The world we live in is often filled with anger, confusion, and challenges to the point where we may despair. For this reason, we all need someone or something that can enlighten, motivate, and inspire us to create good character in ourselves.

The Messenger of Allah, Muhammad SAW, is not only a source of inspiration, but also a guide who guides us through the darkness of the soul. Make the Prophet Muhammad SAW as a role model and role model for us in carrying out our daily lives or activities. How his personality greatly impacts our lives.

The Prophet is a figure who creates a profound positive impact on the lives of those around him, through his personality or character who has generosity. The Prophet never tired of providing help to those in need, whether in the form of words or deeds. His generosity was the cause for the creation of an environment filled with kindness. Even his companions said that there was no human being other than the Prophet who had as great generosity and generosity as he did.

From the generous nature of the Prophet we can emulate him and follow his actions with examples such as the culture of helping and caring for each other must be instilled from childhood. People begin to see the needs of others and make positive contributions to improve the common welfare. The Prophet always encouraged us to be generous to everyone because being a generous person will be liked by the community and loved by Allah.

In addition, the Prophet in the face of trials and difficulties, he always showed extraordinary patience. One of Prophet Muhammad’s outstanding qualities was his infinite patience. This personality is also an example for us in facing the challenges of life. Many trials and difficulties he experienced to the point of sacrificing everything he had but he remained patient and believed that there was Allah, the Lord, the best helper.

The example of the Prophet’s patience is the emergence of a generation that is more resilient and patient in facing all obstacles and challenges of life. Patience is indeed a simple attitude but it contains millions of meanings. We learn not to give up in the face of adversity, but rather find strength in patience within ourselves. And believe that there is no difficulty beyond human ability. The nature of patience is easy to say but hard to implement. Therefore, we as followers of the Prophet are taught to continue to be patient.

Then there is the personality of the Prophet, which is the foundation of justice. He was always fair in all matters, regardless of social status, ethnicity or religion. His justice created a solid foundation for a just and equal society.

To uphold justice is not an easy thing, so the Prophet advised us all to always emulate his fair nature starting from within the family to the wider community. This justice motivates the formation of a more prosperous society. We must be able to value justice and work together to create an equal environment for all individuals. Apply fairness in all situations but remember fair does not mean equal.

Rasulullah also had a sincere personality. He never pretended or hid his good intentions. The sincerity of the Prophet’s heart was reflected in his behavior towards his friends. In addition to his friends, a sign of the sincerity of the Prophet’s heart was also shown by giving considerable sympathy to widows, orphans and people who did not have. The Prophet said that Allah will test the sincerity of one’s faith and every sincerity needs proof.

This trait of sincerity motivates us to act with selfless sincerity. The emergence of a culture of honesty and transparency among the people inspired by him. We from now on should also start appreciating sincere values in every action and word of others. And we also need to increase the sincerity of faith and proof to Allah swt.

The conclusion is that the Prophet’s personality has a tremendous impact on our lives, to create a positive spirit within us. The inspirational impact of his generosity, patience, justice, and sincerity is not only a good example, but also the main guideline in being self-motivated to build better characteristics.

The Prophet remains our eternal source of inspiration, by following his example, absorbing his teachings, and contributing to the ongoing positive change in our personality, we can find direction and inspiration in our every step, even in the midst of the darkness of life.

As a Muslim, we must believe in the Prophet, as a good inspiration and a guiding path. The personality of the Prophet also plays a very important role in shaping positive character and behavior in society. The example of his personality can be used as a guideline to create an environment filled with justice, and sincerity.

By: Tiara Ananda Arifah

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