Psychological Violence Against Women in the Adolescent Circle

By: Alvina Leyla Aminatus Sholiha

Violence Photo: Centre for Integral Health
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Hearing the word “violence”, most people will probably think of physical violence rather than psychological violence. Moreover, psychological violence is a form of non-physical action that harms the victim mentally and emotionally so that acts of psychological violence are sometimes not realized compared to acts of physical violence.

Based on observations, psychological violence occurs more often than physical violence. However, sometimes, victims do not realize and do not understand that it is a form of violence. This can happen because psychological violence is a problem that is not discussed and understood more often than physical violence. That is why this essay discusses and analyzes the existence of psychological violence, especially against women in the adolescent circle today.

Forms of psychological violence can be in the form of exclusion, neglect, insults and other similar actions. This psychological violence can be carried out directly or indirectly. Psychological violence that is carried out directly is an act of non-physical violence that is carried out without an intermediary between the perpetrator and the victim, for example, such as isolating the victim while in a school environment and the like. Indirect psychological violence is an act of non-physical violence carried out through intermediaries such as social media, for example by giving bad comments that belittle the victim in their social media posts and the like.

In the scope of adolescents, insults are the most common psychological violence encountered, either directly or through social media. Although both men and women can be victims, women are more vulnerable to being victims of this act. The main cause is the patriarchy that views men as having dominant power and control in a scope. In addition, a lack of empathy can be the cause of this psychological violence, especially considering that this act can be carried out by women.

Psychological violence certainly has many negative impacts on both victims and perpetrators. Psychological violence can make victims feel inferior which encourages victims to have mental disorders, destroys good lifestyles, and the worst possibility is encouraging victims to commit suicide. Meanwhile, perpetrators can accept the consequences in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

Applicable laws and regulations are an effective solution to acts of psychological violence. One other solution is the delivery of material related to psychological violence itself. However, until now, the delivery of existing material is still lacking and less than optimal.

The delivery of material related to psychological violence must be maximized in order to form a more effective prevention solution. The method is to implement periodic delivery of material starting from elementary school, junior high school and so on. The time for providing material related to psychological violence must be carried out with a clearly divided and structured time period in each level to maximize the program for delivering this material.

If possible, the party delivering the appeal and learning is an expert or group who truly understands the material related to psychological violence, and is able to present the material in an exciting but serious way so that teenagers can understand and explore the contents of the material. Through this program, it is hoped that teenagers can have a good mindset and attitude so that they can minimize the occurrence of psychological violence that occurs in the future.

Providing material is a solution to prevent psychological violence. If psychological violence continues or has already occurred, the solution can be to give the perpetrator an appropriate punishment and provide additional material to make him aware and foster empathy in him.

Then do not forget to check the psychological condition of the victim, if his psychological condition worsens, the action that can be taken is to take him to an expert such as a psychologist to restore his psychological condition. Psychological violence is an action that must be studied and paid more attention to.

Through the delivery of material periodically with a structured time can be an effective solution. Through the provision of material during adolescence can create a future that is safe from psychological violence. There is hope that since entering the scope of adolescence, children can organize good mindsets and habits through this material.

By: Alvina Leyla Aminatus Sholiha

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