Poem: Lost Bride

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I remember! The day of union.

I remember! I remember!

With new hopes and expectations

I packed all my dreams

In soft corner of my heart

All to be actualized

In pleasant times to come.

I remember! The day of union.

I remember! I remember!

With bouquet of flowers adorned with passion and love,

I trod on the red carpet

To welcome ‘thou’ my life With great fervour.

I remember! The day of union.

I remember! I remember!

With extreme care I maintained my life.

Each room of my heart exuded the warmth it had.

I recall all efforts I put I remember everything.

Who burnt my hopes?

Who broke my heart?

Who destroyed me?

Who abandoned me alone?

Who disowned my love?

Who ruined my honour?

My Bride! I remember all My Bride!

My Bride! My Bride! I Lament!

The day of Union. I Lament!

I Lament! I keep on searching my honour;

In pile of frozen ashes,

I feel so offended and disgraced

That I wanna leave?

I Quit!

My disgraced life.

I Quit! I Quit!

In slumber In dreamt a Heart-provoking dream,

Full of terror and horror.

Who will assure me?


Who will gurantee me?


That ending my life Will end up my phantom of misery?

I bleed! My painful life.

I bleed!

By: Saima mansoor Naikoo

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