Poem Collection of Shatakshi Dubey

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Once traversing the road of treasure,
I met a weeping soul,
Politely I inquired,
The soul’s label, unknown.
Sobbing badly, she answered,
‘Trust’ is what they call,
I’m meant to fasten links,
Sadly, I’m on my downfall.
Inspecting her malady,
I asked her cure,
She smirked and replied,
Despite, I won’t endure.
She requested my retreat,
And pointed to go forth,
Apprised me of others,
I shall meet thenceforth.
Moving a little further,
I met a gloomy fellow,
He declared himself ‘humility’,
With a deep harsh bellow.
I examined his grounds of grief,
He dismissed my query,
Though graciously he informed,
The mortals, in my absence, are merry.
A little ahead I went,
And encountered the third spirit,
Sorely, she told,
‘Pity’ was her merit.
Dejectedly, she briefed,
The basis of her woe,
Humans speak of compassion,
With hardly any to show.
Being an earthling, I comprehended,
The folly we effected,
Self-absorbed badly,
The riches we rejected.
Dropping down precious,
We picked up the stone,
And now hunt foolishly,
The reason why we groan.
Oh, poor humans,
How imprudent we act,
Filled with greed and avarice,
We neglect this major fact.
Selflessness is holy,
And faith is a prize,
Pride and cruelty are useless,
Holding them, indeed, is unwise!!!



Away from the hustle of this clamouring world…
Into the peace of my soothing company,
And to the space, vacant and quiet,
That has awaited long my presence…
Here I finally board the flight,
To an abode reserved for me,
Where none waits but solitude…
Calling me to carousels of tranquillity.
Here sings the past, a beautiful melody…
Then fades in the air of present,
The future unknown, is mute here,
And I dare not hark the tune it plays…
For that spell of enchantment,
Mustn’t diminish a pinch…
I’m half-drowned in this illusion,
Let this sweet aroma poison my soul,
And I lose the very last of my senses…
Let me rest here in the garden of silence,
With amusing dreams of dark pleasures…
Let me witness the lustre of black nights,
And hum soft songs of sleep…
Let the blanket of serenity encase me,
In its eternal warmth of calm…
And let me hold onto this scene,
For the next limited breaths I breathe!



And the truth is just so plain,
No blemishes, no stain…
Just so subtle to flow unrestrained,
And pretty easy to give and gain…
But the imprudent being,
Despises what simple is…
To court this silly fellow,
The cruel, the hard fibs exist…
And the world has two,
To deal with, to see…
The little but kind truth,
The harsh lying infinity…
They say true is poor,
There’re asset in lies…
For truth attracts misery,
It burdens, it petrifies…
The fake is way easier,
To say, to believe…
The fake, however, I say,
Is designed to deceive…
So some, then are content,
To live amid deceptions…
Unnoticing the real,
Celebrating happy dejections…
The loss of morality,
Is too acute to regret…
Let the truth-seekers mourn,
Let not the immoral fret…
The world, they say, shall do,
Without the ray of truth…
But truth persists beyond boundaries,
Rare existence, none can undo…
So when the temporary falls,
The eternal shall rise…
The truth will endure,
When all the unreal dies…!



Creeping in from a narrow slit,
The ray of bright to my scarlet sky…
Beneath lies the pacific tract,
Glowing with fireflies passing by…
And then we join the scene,
Holding hands, smiling soft…
Imbibing the crude, serene beauty,
Serenading in this natural loft…
The smiles grow with the lovely tones,
And the hands clutched ever more tight…
We sing our love with purest love,
We adorn with love, the happy night…
Humbly you urge for a walk along,
And quietly I speak my consent…
We walked for long in slow steps,
Clueless of where our steps went…
Lost in murmurs of the night,
We rambled until I stopped…
I stopped for I bled profuse,
For my pain retarded the walk…
You stood beside and held me there,
But then you began fading slow…
As if the fog painted a wall,
Veiling with dark, the ubiquitous glow…
There was pain, immense ache,
More than what the prickle served…
I lost my peace in losing you,
I lost the love I deserved…
But the ache gradually turned weak,
And no more did it reign…
I anticipated your return,
Alas! it was in vain…
The dark also diminished,
And bright began to stream…
I opened my eyes with a hope,
To meet you again in my dreams…



So sometimes when I’m ‘alone’,
sitting up on the roof…
I peep into recondite spaces,
that appear quiet and aloof…
My soul shines softly,
in dim light of the moon…
As if deep it buries,
some long forgotten boon…
‘Alone’ I say to myself,
the longings of the heart…
And how pretty well I vow,
its fulfilment and my part…
And then sometimes I complain,
the wrongs done to me…
Just as I confess,
those misdeeds done by me…
A good listener, yes, I am,
for I hear and construe…
‘Alone’ I’m in the best company,
under stars and falling dew…
And ‘wet’ enough when I am,
with all that passes within…
I lift my head slowly,
gazing the dark tract therein…
Glaring amid the shining littles,
the Moon stands ‘alone’ too…
Hiding the loneliness served,
behind the pleasant view…
As if the Moon has ‘crowds’,
that see but do not feel…
As if the crowd is there,
even if they doth not be…
‘Alone’ then both of us,
pity for each alike…
‘Alone’ then both of us,
smile at pitiful sight…
The Moon is though better,
deprived of this perpetuity…
I have my ‘stars’ throughout,
and so my emptiness with me…!



She was a born warrior,
under the baggage of constraints…
She held herself with grace,
with pride and ebullient face…
She kept her vigour burning,
though she burnt a lot within…
But never did she fail,
to brim with exuberance…
She was broken, bent and blown down,
by those she was close to…
But she loved despite,
shunning the awful vibes…
She numbed her voice,
and stood silent…
Her peace, she sensed,
was in her soul…
Her soul was strong,
and so was she…
But her courage somewhere,
was buried deep…
In crowd of ears,
she looked up for…
Someone who could feel,
someone who could dwell…
and turn on all that ceased…
But the world was not her abode,
she had a long path to walk…
To meet herself again,
to be once again at ‘home’…
So, one day, without a word,
she left silently…
Only to return to herself,
and not to the world again…
Her happiness, at last,
gleamed in her eyes…
‘Tears’ what the world felt,
was the peace of her life…!
…so they say I’ve not known long enough,
to affirm being best of friends…
they say I’ve not held the hand,
when I entered the learning place…
they remind there was no part,
played by either in scene of frolics…
they show there’s no evidence,
of bonding since the young age…
they claim we’ve not shared,
stories of secrets and gossips…
they tell I’ve not known long enough,
to affirm being best of friends…

So all it takes is ‘time’, they suppose,
to foster knot of understanding…
but I respond in a different way,
an aberration they should know…
Yes, we’ve not known long enough,
but we still claim affinity all around…
Yes, were not together for long,
but now stand close in ‘distance’…
Yes, witnessed no role of either,
but now succour in glooms as well…
Yes, we’re not those ‘childhood friends’,
but we plan for ‘lifelong companionship’…
Yes, we’ve not shared stories too much,
but we share amity and love…

Oh yes, I’ve not known long enough,
but I shall know now for too long…
Oh yes, I’ve not cherished sweet memories,
of innocent childish friendship…
but I’m sure of love and bliss,
continuing life-long…!



Spend time with your philosophies,
To dwell deep into yourself.
Spend time with your faults,
To find ways of rectification.
Spend time with your joys,
To mingle indispensably with your happiness.
Spend time with your fears,
To subdue them to non- being.
Spend time with your thinking,
To comprehend your thoughts.
Spend time with your losses,
To list the possessions you need.
Spend time with your triumphs,
To celebrate your optimum.
Spend time with your despondency,
To pave way for your vigour.
Spend time with your craft,
To appreciate your competence.
Spend time with yourself,
To love your priceless existence!!!


✍️ By Shatakshi Dubey, 19 Years Old, Lucknow


  1. Wonderful poem Shatakshi . I really liked your use of words. I have missed reading your poems and it feels great to be reading them again Thank you for sharing this one

  2. Beautifully penned down….The words….It’s really beautiful……From the heart to the heart…Long way to go sweetheart…. Lots of love…

    Sangeeta sharma ,. Dehardoon .
    Disciple of maharajji .


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