Personal Injury Protection Insurance for Motorcyclists in Texas

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Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance is meant to disburse medical expenses arising from accidents in Texas. PIP insurance is also termed “no-fault” insurance because it benefits a policyholder even when they are responsible for the accident.

The main reason insurance coverage is important, especially in a state like Texas, is that medical bills and other related costs can be easily met. This is useful as the victim doesn’t have to wait for compensation from the at-fault party’s insurance company.

Contact a motorcycle accident attorney to get the assistance required in investigating the accident, collecting evidence, negotiating an out-of-court settlement with the insurance company, and, in case of trial, representing your interests in court.

What Expenses Does PIP Insurance Cover?

PIP insurance covers various expenses for motorcyclists. They include:

  • Emergency room expenses
  • Ambulance expenses
  • Doctor bills
  • Physical therapy/rehabilitation
  • Lost incomes/wages
  • Hospital stays
  • Burial expenses

What Expenses Are Not Covered by PIP Insurance?

Personal injury protection insurance does not cover some expenses. They include:

  • Property Damage: PIP typically covers motorcycles but not other types of property damage. This particular coverage gives way to totally different auto insurance, such as collision coverage.
  • Theft: There is no payment for the theft of a motorcycle or any other private property. 
  • Injuries Resulting from Criminal Activities: Injuries resulting from criminal activities on your part are not covered under the scope of PIP.
  • Damage Sustained When Committing a Crime: The damages a person sustains when they commit a crime will not be covered under PIP insurance.
Illustration of people with insurance policies

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Advantages and Disadvantages of PIP Insurance


  • Protection from uninsured motorists: Uninsured motorists will never threaten the policyholder. PIP provides coverage regardless of who causes an accident, thus reducing the danger of some drivers being uninsured or underinsured.
  • No-Fault Cover: The policyholder does not need to bother undergoing acrimonious, lengthy filing and follow-ups with the other driver’s insurance company to claim damages for injuries sustained or vehicle damages.
  • Medical Expense Protection: This protection covers all the basic medical expenses. It includes hospitalization bills, surgery expenses, medical rehabilitation costs, and lost wages in a motorcycle accident.
  • Add-ons: When the accident causes bodily harm that stops the biker from completing basic everyday activities, PIP insurance may provide damages for them.


  • High Cost: The cost of PIP coverage may be significantly higher than that of other types of insurance coverage options.
  • State Regulations: Provisions for PIP insurance and regulations are available, subject to the state’s demographics. In a few states, motorcycle riders are barred from insurance, and high or full coverage is not granted to them when compared to owners of other types of automobiles.
  • Additional PIP or Health Insurance: Any PIP policy, health insurance policy, or plan of the motorcyclist, issued in this state or elsewhere, shall superimpose the coverage provided in this part and shall be considered excess coverage.
  • Pain and Suffering are not Covered: Physical pain and emotional trauma accompany almost all motorcycle accidents. It is vital to recover compensation for these losses, as they have a massive impact on the victim’s life. Most PIPs do not cover non-economic damages collection, for example, mental pain and suffering for accidents caused by motorcycle accidents.


As good as PIP is due to some of its features, such as protection from uninsured drivers and a filed claim that the public can easily comprehend, its coverage may have limitations. You need to review your insurance policy carefully and see whether you need to add more coverage to be fully covered when an accident occurs.

Also, don’t forget to hire an attorney for your motorcycle accident case. Their assistance will help you meet the challenges that arise during a motorcycle accident claim.

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