Online Shopping vs Traditional Shopping


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In this essay we are going to talk about the comparison between online shopping and traditional shopping, and its advantages and disadvantages and the best shopping which suits the present situation. 

Online shopping and its advantages:

Online shopping is the activity of purchasing products over the internet anytime and anywhere. Here are some advantages and disadvantages of online shopping.

1. Online shopping is done over the internet, so customers can save their time efficiently. We can buy the products without any pressure, and we are free to choose our products and also compare the products with other products. We can conveniently choose and buy the products from home. Online shopping has a wide variety of products that can satisfy each and every individual. 

2. It provides people with discounts and offers on every product in order to gain attention from the customers. Online shopping has no opening time and closing time, and people can buy their products wherever necessary, and customers can choose their products according to their budget without spending more on a particular product. Thus, these are the two main advantages of online shopping.

Online shopping and its disadvantages 

1. Online shopping may not deliver the products on time. Another disadvantage is that people sometimes get used products or sometimes damaged products and even variation in sizes of their products. And sometimes even the information regarding the products may not be proper, resulting in confusions and disappointment to the customers.

2. In online shopping customers are asked to pay delivery charge more than that of the product. For example, sheela has ordered a new dress for her birthday, the cost of the dress is 920 rupees. Now as a delivery charge, she is supposed to pay 80 rupees and she is supposed to pay 1000 in total. The thing that happens in every online shopping. But in traditional shopping customers do not need to pay any delivery charge and pay the actual amount, so online shopping is quite good, but not all the time. 

Thus, these are the advantages and disadvantages of Online Shopping. 

Now let’s look at traditional shopping, its advantages and disadvantages. Traditional shopping is the activity of purchasing goods directly from shops, and the shops are chosen according to people and their budget.

Traditional shopping and its advantages:

1. When we buy the products from online, we will be able to look at our products only after the arrival, but in traditional shopping we can look at our products, try them once and choose our products with proper information from the person who is in charge of selling the products. One more advantage is that we can replace our product if we are not satisfied with the product. Traditional shopping takes time, but it gives us a better result than we get from online shopping. 

2. Traditional shopping keeps us more active when we enter the shops. We always find better choices in traditional shopping than in online shopping. In traditional shopping we can get a clear view of the product that we are in need of. The next advantage of traditional shopping is we can have a trail, especially with dresses that we choose in order to avoid variation in size. Sometimes the dress that we buy from online shopping may not be in the same size as required, and it ends up in disappointing the customers, and it makes them return the product. 

The next advantage is that in traditional shopping we can bargain on our products or get deal through Guider för onlineköp, whereas in online shopping we are not given any chance to have a conversation with the seller. So we don’t get a chance to bargain on our products. 

Traditional shopping and its disadvantages 

1. One of the most important disadvantages of traditional shopping is it takes more time and more effort.

2. Here comes the important disadvantage people face every day. We as humans tend to get attracted to everything and eventually end up satisfying our desires rather than satisfying our needs. In online shopping we only get the necessary products that we wish to buy, but in traditional shopping it does not happen like that. For example, we as people make a list of things that we want.

But when entering the shop, we get attracted towards everything that we see and end up in getting more products. And as a result, we pay more for products that were not intended to buy. 

Thus, these are the advantages and disadvantages of traditional shopping.

Let’s now look at which shopping is the best for the present situation. 

Each shopping includes time and money. It varies from people to people. Some people tend to buy their products from the comfort of their home, and some people like to purchase their products directly from the shops. But for the present situation, online shopping is the best to satisfy our needs such as home appliances, electronic devices and much more. Nowadays we find all kinds of Online Shopping for food, clothing, utensils and even the daily requirements. We need not depend on online shopping for everything as it does not give the same interest that we get from traditional shopping. But for this situation and for our safety we can purchase our necessary products through online shops.

 And when it comes to groceries, we can prefer shopping from online shops such as big basket, and people who would prefer to have non-vegetarian food can get meat or fish from Licious, an online shop for non-vegetarian products which is meant for non-vegetarian people. All people cannot afford this type of shopping, so they can make a call to the local shop which nowadays delivers the essential groceries needed to people. This is also a type of shopping. Thus, this is a comparison between online shopping and traditional shopping.

Stay safe and have a safe shopping with less shipping from online shopping!


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