By: Hajra A

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As we all know, New Zealand is located at the lower part of the World situated near Australia. It is known as an “Island Nation.” When we think of New Zealand, we tend to think about the more popular things present like their Diverse Nature, Kiwi Fruit, Famous movies like Hobbit, Lord of the Rings etc., the popularity of the flock of sheep (It is said that the population of the sheep is more than the citizens residing in the nation). But this place has a lot more to offer that people do not know much about.

New Zealand – The Land of the Long White Cloud

New Zealand is also known as “The Land of the Long White Cloud,” as it is well known for its diverse nature, beautiful landscapes, and spectacular sceneries. It is also popularly known as Middle Earth. Some of the things that we must look out for this beautiful nation are:

New Zealand are known for their Hills, Mountains, Lakes, Beaches, Forests, Seas, and Oceans. The ancestors of NZ are called as Māori, they are the indigenous people of NZ. Māori Culture is still a core part of the Island Nation even in this Modern Era. New Zealanders are mostly called as “Kiwis” due to their gentle and friendly manners. New Zealanders are quite friendly to the travelers visiting the Island.

Their National Bird, Kiwi is a unique flightless bird that is only present in NZ. Kiwi’s feathers are used to make fur clothes like shrugs, cloaks etc. and that’s why New Zealanders value the bird very highly.

Kiwi Fruit is also mainly exported from New Zealand to the other nations and different types of kiwi fruit can be found here as well since Kiwi fruit is considered as the National fruit of New Zealand. (Kiwi is different from Kiwi fruit, which most foreigners do not know about.)

NZ is known for their love of outdoor activities as they are highly extroverted, enthusiastic adventurous people who love to enjoy adventurous sports and activities like Rafting, Cycling, Hiking, Camping, Scuba Diving, Kayaking, Surfing, Fishing, bungee jumping, skiing etc. It is said that Bungee Jumping, A well-known popular activity was originally started in New Zealand.

A lot of sports tournaments and activities are occasionally held for the people to participate and they are encouraged to join as well.

New Zealand has mainly gained a lot of popularity during the release of the famous movies like Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings due to the beautiful sceneries and diverse nature setting which has attracted the attention of the people around the globe and so it has increased the number of tourists visiting New Zealand during the past few decades.

It has a lot of tourists ’attraction sites for everyone like “Bay of Island” where Hiking, Swimming, Camping is popularly done. “Rotorua” is another famous place known for its Volcanic craters, Thermal springs, Geysers etc. and the fumes of the volcanoes are said to have nutrients that are beneficial to the human body so being exposed to the volcanic air for a short period of time is also good for the body.

As we all know, Auckland is New Zealand’s most popular and largest city and there are a lot of unique places to explore like, Sky Tower is a famous tower present in Auckland which is used for communication purposes.

We can also see the stunning and shining views of the city from the tower. Auckland’s Orewa Beach is also popular for its bioluminescent glowing blue and green waves which creates a beautiful scenery at night times and happens quite rare it seems, so it would be nice to catch this rare sight.

Wellington, The Capital of New Zealand also has a lot of places to explore and falls more on the modern and technology side. It also has a lot of malls, museums, botanical parks, zoos, amusement parks etc. that are family friendly to visit and to have fun with our family and friends.


This Island Nation is a perfect mixture of Nature and Technology. It has always maintained peace with other nations as well. We can enjoy the ancient as well as the modern part of the Island nation. There is a lot much more to explore in this Island Nation like the history, the unique animals and birds, friendly people, the food, the culture, the music, dance and festivals, ethnicities etc.

It is really a heavenly place for people who love nature, for people who are extrovert and adventurous person, a peaceful getaway for burnout people and perfect vacation place for family and friends as well. It must be experienced at least once in our lifetime and that is why it is my favorite travel destination of all times.

By: Hajra A

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