Nature: Save me before it’s too late..

By: Anushika Gupta

प्राकृतिक LOVE AND NATURE Beloved
प्राकृतिक LOVE AND NATURE Beloved
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Nature: Save me before it’s too late..

You cut down my beautiful trees
As you need, tall buildings, houses and bridges
You did this act for your own fate
Save me before it’s too late

You wasted my pure water
In cleaning, washing and to shower
I do not want to change my love into hate
Save me before it’s too late

You polluted my fresh air
Through your vehicles, factories and burning fossils
Hope you find regret in your own shade
Save me before it’s too late

You make my clean land a dirty place
By throwing garbage, spitting and littering
This time I really need your aid
Save me before it’s too late

Grow as many trees as possible
Gives fresh and cold air
More than an Air conditioner

Clean your surroundings
Gives you peace and a disease-free life
Increasing walking and cycling
Set a healthy lifestyle

Say ‘no’ to plastic
And ‘yes’ to reduce, reuse and recycle

I’m your Mother Earth, you are my children
I always protect you but it’s your time to save me
I’m losing my breathe gradually
I need your support emotionally and mentally

I gave you everything you need
But you are exploiting the nature
For your unlimited needs

       “Mother Earth has always given her contribution towards humans and remember if mother can love her children selflessly then she can teach them the lesson to respect her”.

                   Save the nature before it’s too late. .

By: Anushika Gupta

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