My Lifeline – My MENTOR


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My Lifeline- My MENTOR

As a baby you observe different people and their actions as examples in front of you, but when you grow up ,you categorize them as negative and positive examples and then finally choose that one person who you want to be like, you choose your role model.

‘Role model ‘seems like a heavy word, but this heavy word is the person you see yourself as when you grow up, whose qualities you admire , whose actions and experiences inspire you. For me it’s the strongest woman I have ever known-“My grandmother”.

Since childhood I have heard stories about her all round personality , resilience and will power. My grandmother comes from Punjab. In her early years of student life she got two degrees – M.A and  B.Ed. and started teaching in a school. Because of her helpful nature, her ability to teach and communicate-children loved her and considered her, their friend, philosopher and guide.

 After marriage however, she moved to Delhi. Soon after, her first child was born. My grandmother was utterly shocked and dismayed when she found out that her first born had Down’s syndrome .However, she took it in her stride bravely. With tranquillity and sincerity ,  together with my grandfather , she worked hard to ensure that my aunt could be  independent as far as her disability allowed her to . Her adeptness to look at the bright side made her face this challenge and made her one of the most inspiring woman to me.

My grandmother has always been giving. She not only lives for herself but also for the people she loves. She successfully navigated her professional as well as personal life with aplomb. Managing both fronts especially in a joint family set up requires a lot of physical as well as mental strength. Alongside she ensured that she fulfilled her husband’s wish of becoming a college professor. This required her to do M. Phil. Juggling  her studies  with two children and housework– she did it ! No matter how hard it was , she never gave up,  went on, that too with a smile on her face.

Continuing in her pursuit of growth ,my grandmother decided to pursue PhD. The cycle to multitask both home and work front started again. The mere thought that she could yet again think of doing it again inspires me. After years of hard work she finally submitted her thesis and  “the day” of Grand viva descended. Finally all the hard work was going to pay off, little did she know what was about to happen.

On her way to the university for her grand viva- feeling a tad bit nervous, she met with a serious accident. She suffered multiple fractures and injuries making it impossible for her to appear for that final viva. Despite that with her do or die spirit, she believed that she would be able to manage and reached the viva hall on wheel chair, in  pain. However the examiner, advised her otherwise and rescheduled her viva. Her photo, receiving her  Ph.D. degree , in cruches inspires and makes me believe in oneself and keep moving ahead, come what may. She now got promoted as Professor in economics in Delhi University.

Her  iron will, optimistic thinking and gratitude for all things makes me look up to her. In times when others would break and give up, she showed great resilience. Whenever life used to give her lemons she just made a lemonade. She has been a true mentor to so many generations of her students. And most important reason for her being my role model is her willingness to dream and fulfil her’s as well as dreams of her near and dear ones.

As stories allow us to make sense out of the otherwise perplexing events, helping  us smooth out some of the decisions we have made and create something that is meaningful out of the chaos of our lives. And the stories about my grandmother’s bravery and boldness do the same for me. They teach me how to move forward despite everything. They show me that calmness and faith are the key ingredients for success. And it is because of these real life, true stories of her inspiring life that I want to be the strength of my family and be the person in spirit and mind , as hers.


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