My Dreams

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When I was merely a kid I had a lot of dreams about my future the first dream was I wanted to be a truck driver then I wanted to be pilot, army officer then a football player. I did not had any stable dream to achieve but a magical moment occurred in my life and I met books which helped me in building a dream and it gave me a role model to look upon and I wanted to be an entrepreneur and be like Elon Musk.

His personality had a very deep impact on me I want to be like him I admire his work so much that I am also looking forward to be like it his electric car company and his own private space company space x I want to also make this kind of company and I am collecting some knowledge and making some of my ideas about my very own car company {FALCON} like Tesla it will be a self driving car, will run on solar energy, made up of plastic [different kind of plastic which is suitable for it] it will have a hand sensor type of window which can recognize your palm print and can automatically get unlock and much more feature which I have conjured in my imaginations.

But some times I feel that it is difficult but as I have my idols which I look upon them in such situations I remember the words of the one which I deeply admire DR. APJ ABDUL KALAM sir he once told that {History has proven those who dare to imagine has the most successful} and I am a very touched by this quote of him and I feel that it is very much true another thing is I want to make create robots which can help us in our day to day life activity like cooking food, doing house hold chores and even go in space would like to make a company like space X and send robots to space or to use them as a tour guide in my very own space tourism company and I am looking forward to achieve this dreams one day.

By: Sahil Morey

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