By: Archanaa P

population conflict Unbearable human
population conflict Unbearable human
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A conflict is a struggle or clash between the opposite forces like battle, fight, etc. A conflict is serious disagreement and argument about something important. For example, in an office two people or group discussion are in conflict, they have a serious disagreement or argument and have not reached agreement. It also tells that the states of tension that arise because there are clashing between two or more groups regarding a certain good. Conflict depends upon differences over goals or expectations between individuals or groups. There are many conflicts in our social life such as economic, cultural etc. The kind of resolution depends upon the nature of the conflict. Local conflicts get resolved through the intervention of administration and law enforcement agencies, like the police. However, bigger conflicts that involve communities of people cannot be resolved in this way. Special provisions must be made for resolution of such conflicts. 

Way to manage a conflict: 

  • Competing- put your own efforts are put over others. It relies on an aggressive style, and use of power. 
  • Avoiding is a common response to the bad idea of conflict. “Perhaps if we don’t bring it up, it will blow over” we say ourselves. But most times the conflict gets worse until it becomes too big to ignore it. 
  • Compromising is an approach where people win or lose in a series of various works. 
  • Collaborating is the pooling of individual needs and goals toward a common goal. It is otherwise called as “win-win to problem solving”. 

Steps to successfully negotiating the Conflict Resolution: 

  • Choose the best resolution 
  • Understand the Conflict 
  • Communicate with each other 
  • Explore Alternatives 
  • Cope with Stressful situations and pressure tactics. 

To prevent Conflict Resolution: 

 Prevention is more effective and less costly than handling a crisis after the eruption of a violent conflict. The focus of prevention yields light on controlling behavioral dynamics created by violence. The goal of conflict prevention can be achieved through institutional arrangements designed for the mitigation of inequality and other sources of grievances. 

Motivation of Conflict Resolution: 

   Motivation brings about a refreshing shift and changes our roles towards making internally driven choices that lead to improvement. The motivation boosts relationships and the pursuit of power. The focus is on relationships or achieving results, motivation intrinsically works into the fabric of change. Motivational conflict refers to the simultaneous presence of approach avoidance motivations. There are three types of motivation conflicts such as Approach-Approach, Approach-Avoidance, Avoidance-Avoidance.  

   The current level of group motivation is very low, there is no enthusiasm, and the office employees make no effort to self-organize or pursue higher productivity. The personal traits and motivation to lead both affect the emergence of leaders in social network or social groups. This means that in the office offering the best-performing employee is an opportunity to become assistant manager and can help motivate all members to increase their efforts. 

Power in Conflict Resolution: 

     Power defines a way to interact with each other and they engage in conflict resolution, and they have a capability to determine the process and the outcome of a conflict. Power and motivation are elusive concepts, because it has so many way manifestations. Everyone has a own power and most of the people are often unaware. Personal power is built in the individual. Personal power is different from structural power, where personal power comes from communication skills, training or experience. Structural power depends on the situation in the house, office, etc. Power can flow from an appeal to the values, beliefs and ethics or from attack on the values of those with you are in conflict. For example, if one party to a conflict has information then the other does not have it and they may have power in conflict resolution. The situation of a person is most relevant to power. 


  In conclusion, conflicts that escalate out of control are detrimental to everybody in the equation, so conflict management becomes a necessity. the inevitability of conflict in human interaction, and how the management of conflict can impact relationships and well-being in the society.  

By: Archanaa P

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