By: Talagana Uday Kiran

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“Aliens cause to visit Earth” This is the timeline set up during 3010’s. Internet is on meth. People consuming internet like never before. METAVERSE technology went on it’s peak and everyone is going crazy on metaverse drive. There lived a teen girl named Ria who’s very much intrigued into science and technology. As she’s a hard core technophile, she used to spend hours and hours on internet and especially in metaverse. Her daily routine is to wake up in metaverse world and sleep in real word. She has got huge technological setup which make transitions like this. Though she’s an orphan, with her huge skill set she made herself financially independent. On the parallel note, there lived another species known as KARAGIANS on the planet Karag. They became well versed with humongous technological changes. They have advancement in their metaverse world and way ahead of humans. All of sudden, on a fine day, one of the the Karagian has lost interest on the life they’re leading and wanted a shift on it. So, one of the karagian named zantao exploring in their metaverse and went on very long distance. Then, he started to see the projection of an apocalypse on ditstance. He moved until there and suddenly woke up in human metaverse due to huge emittance of energy and radiation affected by the apocalypse. For alien, it seems to be new everything in the human metaverse. Whole things seems to be way ancient to him. He’s roaming in a random direction and saw Ria. As Karagians are well versed with their advancement of technology, he can make himself invisible from the people. He starts to stalk Ria and observes that she’s the only one who’s staying since very long time whereas remaining are leaving. when there were literally none in one particular place. He made himself visible and Ria saw him. Ria had never seen a metaverse avatar in that form until then. she was amazed by seeing Zantao while he was on the other side. Both of them saw each other and shocked. Ria asked Zantao about his origin. He then said to her about himself and his sudden cause to enter into Earth’s mateverse. Both of them (metaverse CGI avatars) spent time talking each other and knowing about them. Ria got attracted to him as he was way ahead of her on every basis especially in technology. Zantao didn’t know how to get out of the Earth’s metaverse. They used to meet daily as Ria used to get into real world sometimes and used to spend most of her time in metaverse world with him. He made himself visible to only her and other metaverse avatars on earth used to perplex by watching Ria’s actions! Both made an emotional bond with each other. But it’s been very long time since Zantao came to Earth’s metaverse. He finally wanted to make a move to Karag but he couldn’t as he himself got connected mentally to Ria. Finally, Ria wants to find a way to Zantao’s planet but couldn’t made herself to happen. Both of them wanna stay together in either of the real world but not in metaverse world. So either Zantao or Ria should leave their identity permanently and come to find a possible way to meet together in a real world. As Zantao is way ahead in technology, he then came up with a solution to finally meet and live together in either of the world. Zantao should destroy the whole earth’s metaverse so that with a huge apocalyptic radiation they could have a chance to meet each other in some other Real/Metaverse/any other new world which was happened to Zantao previously. But how could he destroy the whole Earth’s metaverse in order to stay each other together in reality? Will he destroy the whole mankind’s metaverse of earth? How Zantao and Ria could lead their romantic relationship further in reaity? DOES THE RELATION BETWEEN ALIEN AND HUMAN EXIST ? -TO BE CONTINUED IN PART 2 (LOVE LEADS TO ANYTHING)! contact 7981710286 for further details.

By: Talagana Uday Kiran

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