Meaning of Discipline

By: Diksha Sonvani

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Real meaning of discipline

Discipline which means following the rules to make yourself successful or controlling your feelings and emotions, conquering your shortcomings so that we can improve ourselves.  Discipline with the help of which we can achieve any destination Discipline is of two types, one which we get from the external society and the other which arises from within us.

Secret of discipline

If you have discipline and you keep full focus on progress.  So whatever you want to have with all your heart, it will come in front of you.  No matter how big a family you are born in or how much talent you have, without discipline you will not be able to do anything worthwhile.  People think that you need discipline only for success, it is not so, you need discipline to have fun too, even if you want to lie down all day watching Netflix, you still need discipline to complete basic tasks, so that you do not have to get up in the middle.  If you want to make a living out of life, then you need the discipline of money management.  In fact, the more freedom you want, the more discipline you should have. 

The biggest misconception that lives among people is that Discipline = Freedom.  Means freedom will end.  Then there will be no fun in life, in fact it is quite the opposite.  This shows that people who have more self control .  Their Discipline Decision making is rational rather than emotional, they are happier than others and do not easily get into trouble, so people who are disciplined do not have confusion in their lives and they are very productive.

Some things are very important in the life of every human being.  We call this the value.  There is a different value for every human being, like – for some it is family security, for some it is power, service and respect.  We are trying to fulfill all the values ​​according to our understanding, for example, if you want people to like you and respect you, then you have one value, respect.  One of the many strategies for this is to look good and wear good clothes, it takes hard work, time and money, but you do it happily because the value creates motivation for you.  The secret of discipline is to identify your most important value and associate the right strategy with it.  Strategy should have 3 qualities. Long term which will give results in the future, which is meaningful.

How to be disciplined

If you have to follow a discipline, you have to have a reason to follow that discipline, why do I have to follow this path, that “why” has to be very personal and strong and real.

Environment is much stronger than motivation, adjust your environment according to discipline, hide or remove from your sight anything that bothers you, start your day with a little distraction.

Always compare your progress backwards as our progress is not linear but takes a parabolic path.

Always ask yourself two questions.  What did I do better than yesterday?  can i still do better?  This will increase your self motivation.  Your personal assistant Your mobile is always with you, use it to trigger your rituals and habits.  Use alarm.

The path of discipline

Ability to set your goal and work on it, ability to discipline yourself decides your future. You must have heard that you can never hit the target which you cannot see, so first of all set your target.
Write that goal as short term goal separately and long term goal separately.  Because when you write your goal, then this signal goes in your mind that this thing is important for you and your logical brain or left brain becomes active.

List functional systems Do something everyday that moves you toward your goal.  

By not telling your goal to anyone, you will feel that you have achieved the goal and your motivation will decrease.  

Review your goals everyday.  Look at your goal at least once a day, read your goal as soon as you wake up in the morning and read it before going to sleep at night.  How far have you progressed to achieve your goal?  assess the.  

Consequences Imagine how you feel when you have achieved your goal.  Psychologists say, visualizing in this way increases your chances of achieving that goal because your brain has already felt all these feelings.  They say that “you become what you think.”

By: Diksha Sonvani

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