Life: A Volatile Vista

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Thou, the myriad minded master

Mastering the mankind as scepter

Thou, the luminous lodestar

Permeating the values as victor

Thou like a radiant rain

Showering plethora emotions on mine


Thou, the stupendous sculptor

Sculpting the humans as cluster

Thou, invisible as air, resides far

Orbiting around everywhere

Thou, the magnanimous magician

Enthralling us with thine creation


Sometimes thine eyes seek wanderer

Sometimes thine eyes seek inventor

Sometimes thou an epitome of empathy

Sometimes thou the symbol of sagacity

Sometimes thou trounce evils as tornado

Sometimes twigging humans as aficionado


Sometimes thou twinkle as rainbow

Sometimes thou modest as moonbow

Thou an untameable wave

Despite I cope to cease thou

And venture to twig thou

Flabbergasted by thine firmament

B’cos thou, an unpredictable horizon….

P. Saravanan

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