Let Your Footwear Decide Your Vibe

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Footwear is an essential part of your outfit. What type of footwear you wear daily on different occasions can tell a lot about who you are and what your style is. There are a lot of things to consider while purchasing quality products at the best price, like color, size, cost, brand, comfort, etc. There are various options to choose from like sneakers, ladies chappals, heels, boots, etc. Whatever you wear can tell a lot about your personality. The right shoe will also help to keep your feet healthy.

 Oxfords/ Formal shoes

These look great with any formal or business casual attire. People that wear Oxfords daily probably like to appear intelligent, mature, handsome, and confident. However, these shoes don’t provide enough comfort. The personality of people who wear these shoes is usually goal-oriented and passionate about their work as they have a particular interest and are focused on details and strategies related to their target.

These people are mostly very reliable; therefore, they are everyone’s go-to person. They are considered a jack of all trades, and that’s why people find them appealing. They’re confident orators and are very outgoing; hence, they can make conversation with anyone easily.

Most quality Oxfords will last several years, but it requires taking good care of them between seasons. Stick with the classics.

Slip Ons

Slip-on slippers and flip flops are all about comfort with a hint of fashion. They are easy to slip on and off while also matching with any casual cute outfit. People who wear these consider themselves as both extroverts and introverts. They also think of themselves as cool and trendy. They can become good friends with anyone easily and are easy to talk to. But they don’t like to stand out too much. They are not enthusiastic about working in a corporation and would rather become an entrepreneur or do something to express their individuality.

Street Shoes

Most teens or people in their early twenties wear street shoes. Often, they purchase these shoes because they have seen someone else wearing them, which means they probably want to fit in with the youth and pretend to be cool. People who wear street shoes stay up to date with the latest fashion trends in streetwear, but they would not wear uncommon fashion styles or uncool shoes unless they see somebody else wearing them. Every sneakerhead has a sense of style and fashion. Street shoes are generally worn by people who are concerned about their appearance and want to show off.


Regular flat wearers are considered to be easy-going and kind. They enjoy being perceived as intelligent and feminine. They are usually modest, focused, and hard-working. They stay motivated and make things happen. Flats provide comfort and ease while walking around. People wearing these want to look approachable and agreeable. They don’t intend to look flashy or cool but rather polite. Ladies’ chappals are the most common and popular choice among women as they are comfortable and do not leave your feet vulnerable to injury.

Running Shoes

Generally, running shoes are worn by people who like working out at the gym regularly. These people have a busy schedule packed with activities and are always running short of time. That’s why they need to wear something that will keep you comfortable and get you to places swiftly. These people are motivated, goal-oriented, confident, and hard-working and don’t like to take long breaks. Running shoes indicate that you like to stay on your feet and be productive. They are mostly associated with being athletic and focused. People who wear running shoes are generally ready for new challenges.


Wearing classy heels daily indicates you work in a professional setting that needs some level of formality. Unlike slippers and flip flops, heels can be quite tiring and feet wrecking sometimes. If you wear heels, then you probably find it difficult to choose the right size of the heel and how they can help you to look confident. These heels depict that you are not socially awkward and can make new friends easily. High heels always attract attention, no matter where you are. Fashion experts say that people wearing heels portray high confidence and are often worn by individuals with great taste.


Footwear provides our feet support and stability. One can easily tell what a person’s personality traits are by looking at the kind of footwear they are wearing. Shoes can reveal if you are a confident, outgoing person or an introverted person with a laid-back attitude. They give insight into a person’s preference and style. That is why wearing the right type of footwear with a sense of confidence is important if you want to create a good impression.

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