Lack of mutual trust among the masses seems to be the biggest crisis of the present day modern era


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Lack of mutual trust among the masses seems to be the biggest crisis of the present day modern era

Since the inception of human civilization mankind has faced many crises. With the passage of time some of these crises have eloped while, few of them have engulfed and continued to engross mankind like a shadow of his own body with times. These crises have been of varied types. Some of them were psychological whereas few others were natural, physiological while many others were of their own distinct domain.

These crises have left their own typical mark and influence on mankind’s body, mind and soul. At the same time, these various crises as faced by mankind left their own mark by giving mankind its own influence in his thought process. Thus, each crisis as faced by mankind has taught them its own lesson. In the long run, mankind’s thought process has embarked upon these crises and thereby leaving its own imprint on human civilization.

Now, leaving the past of mankind in the cobwebs of time and putting its future in the lap of uncertainty come, let us ponder over the fact as to what is the biggest crisis as faced by mankind at the present times in this modern world of ours. The thought process of human being is varied, so does its outlook towards life. At the same time, coherence in thinking is an undeniable feature of mankind. What can add a feather to it is a feeling of mutual trust among the masses.

Moreover, with a burgeoning population visa-vies increasing inter-dependability  due to increasing technological innovations have made the feeling or the trait of mutual trust an indispensible part among the common masses. In this way, mutual trust among the common masses may open a new horizon in the sense of inter-connectivity among them. On the contrary, lack of mutual trust among the common masses of the present day modern world being will certainly open the floodgates of disbelief, confusion and in a larger perspective a sense of anarchy among them.

At this juncture, it is worthwhile analyzing as to where do we stand so far as the feeling of mutual trust among the present day modern world being is concerned. A little bit of introspection and soul-searching in this behalf will certainly point us to the fact that, in this regard, the present day world being is a divided house. Human psychology to a large extent has become self-acquiescing one rather than being self-less to a large extent.

The word ‘we’, so far as the present day world being is concerned has been engulfed by the word ‘I’ in their psychology. This word ‘I’ has become a demon at the present times. What is meant by it is that, the ‘I ‘or the very person of human being has become selfish to a large extent. In this process, the society around a person has become minus cal. Self acquisition of materialistic things has become all pervasive.          

In this way, mankind of the present day world due to lack of mutual trust has lost a chord of his life. This chord is the chord of social cohesion and amity. In this process, human being’s psychology has become like a body hating his own soul. This hatred has been instigated by his conscience. What is meant by this is that, mankind of the present times has become so lonely that, he cannot trust anyone in the times of his dire needs.

This is so because; the trait of probity and serenity of human relationship has been taken over by mostly self-aggrandizement and selfishness. At the present times, in most cases no one hears about the needs of the others. Nobody cares about the hopes, dreams, desires and expectations of their fellow beings. Thus, all these lacunas have led to a feeling or to a sense of in-sensitivity so far as fellow feeling and mutual trust among the common masses of the present day modern world being are concerned.

What is the way out of this imbroglio? Firstly, it is rightly said that, kids of this modern world of ours are the future of this world. Therefore, the present parent guardian combine should teach these kids to respect human relationship by promoting among them a feeling of sensitivity and amity among them. Secondly, youths, as the torchbearers of human civilization must promote a sense in this modern world by dint of which we can promote a ray of hope and, in this ray of hope a feeling of amity and trust sheep among we the human beings are most pivotal.

Thirdly, to promote a sense of respect among the husband-wife combine for various relatives as coming under the ambit of marital life is also very important. Fourthly, old-age and the right to old-age care should not only be a right for the senior citizens but also, at the same time, it should also become a pious homily for all concerned. Last, but not the least, when a sense of mutual trust will be ushered in by one and all it will certainly culminate into a sense of probity and serenity in the present day modern human civilization of ours.

Come, let we all the masses of the present times learn from the mistakes of the past and thereby, we  try to promote a cohesive world order, so far as, inter personal relationship is concerned and, thereby promoting a bright future so far as human civilization is concerned. The new world order so promoted will certainly be based on a new sense of faith and trust sheep.

In this way the feeling of disbelief and suspicion will certainly be a thing of the past and thereby a new sense of happiness will be promoted among the masses of the present day modern world. In this process of this new world order of mutual trust and amity will be guided by the motto of life of ‘live and let live’. What can be noted in this development of human civilization is that, in the emerging scenario there will certainly be a sense of good will and faith among one another. In this endeavor of ours, what is for sure is that, there will certainly be light at the end of the dark tunnel. The resultant scenario will certainly be a scenario of happiness, happiness and happiness all around.


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