It’s Love Day (Poem)

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Souls with pipe dreams

Today, your day of love.

Today, you’ll exchange roses and teddy bears,

To show your sweethearts how much you


A letter, a card,

Holding hands while taking the air.

ll give your heart to someone and ask

“Will you be mine?”

Spend your day with a happy smile and

Decorate the night with sunshine.

The philia shown on this day will

Sometimes take our breath away.

It would be nice, if every day, everyone

Treated each other this way.

In lieu of just Fourteen Feb of a year,

When the love seems to appear.

If three hundred sixty five days of a year,

Cupid Strike of love was here.

Wouldn’t life be dandy then, if it is

How the day would start out and end?

Loving and caring each other every second

Along the way, like we all do on Valentines


Love is not about the big romantic gestures but

About the little things that mean everyday care.

Love is treating one another

With the same good manner.

The Roses, hearts and cards all are fine,

But greater gift is the affection in harmony.

Throughout the life, outliving time,

That shows what True Love means.



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