Is technological development the cause of cloud seeding

By: Sujauddin Sk

cloud seeding
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“Every one personality is determined by the combination of his character and the behave of himself with other and his character of him with nature.”

In general, by mismatching of various components like air, water, land, etc made up a fresh full Environment. These components are found in fixed proportions to create a harmonious balance in the organism’s environment. Any kind of undesirable and unwanted change in the proportions of these components can be termed as pollution in different stages is known as pollution in a different mode.

 By and large, the environment must be polluted by the rise of industries and the migration of people from villages to cities in search of employment, there has been a regular increase in the problem of proper housing and unhygienic living conditions. These reasons have given rise to factors that cause pollution.

Even caused by the indiscriminate use of dangerous and critical gaseous and due to awful behavior and use of gasses the main base of the life of human beings is being polluted.

Actually, the combination of eleven words  (Environment) is not promoted the significance and the values of the Environment fully, but its values in the way of hidden and decreased by human activity and the development of technology devices.

“Unprecedented technological capabilities combined with unlimited human creativity give us tremendous power to take on intractable problems like poverty, unemployment, disease, and Environment degradation”.

According to the current situation, the contamination of clouds is a major issue in the world today. Commonly the mixation of releasing chemicals such as silver iodide, potassium iodide, or calcium chloride into the atmosphere stimulates cloud formation, having different characters and types of clouds.

Nacreous is one of the most beautiful of all cloud formations, but they are also the most destructive to our atmosphere. Their presence encourages the chemical reactions that break down the ozone layer, that act as the shield protection from the harmful rays of the Sun.

Also known as “mother-of-pearl clouds”, nacreous clouds exhibit spectacular iridescent pastel colors, caused by the sunlight diffracting as it passes around their tiny ice crystals. Much less dramatic examples of the same optical effect can sometimes be seen as sunlight passes through patches of lower, common clouds like the delicate wisps of ice-crystal streaks, known as cirrus. All of the examples of cloud pollution are caused by human activity.

Technology development is the main issue to staying in that condition and to suffer from the pollution of clouds. Even the devices are used for enhancing clouds’ precipitation or suppressing rain where blue skies are desired. As China used cloud seeding to certify dry weather for the 2008 Beijing Olympics, one of the most recent and significant examples of the technique being used on a large scale. China has also used cloud seeding to stimulate rainfall to help replenish its shrinking Yangtze River watershed.

As they lay down in the degradation of the environment but what price to the environment you might ask? And the human intended the precipitation of the cloud should be measured as even the purpose increased precipitation in one area they use artificial methods to make that, which could lead to droughts in nearby areas, as the rain is diverted away from those regions.

Similarly in the intention of low precipitation, they also use certain chemical methods to change the weather pattern as it became the low precipitator which caused excessive rainfall which is leading to flooding and other weather-related disasters in the nearby region or the areas.

The indiscriminate consumption of the chemicals in cloud seeding can contaminate water supplies below and affect human and animal health. While cloud seeding also has a great impact on agriculture, the natural ecosystem, and even the natural vegetation. 

While increased rainfall may be beneficial for some crops, for instance, Jute cultivation, it could lead to soil erosion and other negative impacts on the environment. Similarly, increased rainfall could alter the ecosystem’s balance, leading to the proliferation of certain species and the decline of others.

Effects of Cloud seeding:

  • Depletion of the Ozone layer.
  • Agriculture and natural vegetation or the natural ecosystem.
  • Caused by Acid rain.
  • Abruptly climate change etc.

Hence human should be reminded of the environment and man’s actions that is ongoing to worst our immature nature and the action as the harmful future for the next generation.  And must be set in our mind that “Environment is no one the property to destroy; it is everyone’s responsibility to protect.” 

Given all the potential risks, governments should proceed cautiously with any plans to seed clouds. Continuously work and attempts of humans perhaps we can perfect the process in the future our challenge is to translate this extraordinary potential into meaningful change by preventing the progress of technological devices which became harmful to our lives and became the cause degradation of our nature.

We need to be aware of every aspect of the Environment because awareness is important we need to empower people to understand the importance of protecting the earth’s resources, then we will be able to protect the environment. As the great researcher or environment lover said “Our every deed has been linked with the Environment as it will result in our future”. In the ending we take the pledge:

         “I am an environmentalist, I will do my best to protect this planet and spread awareness”

By: Sujauddin Sk, Darul Huda Academy(Murarai), West Bengal

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