International Coffee Day

By J. Vaisali

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Every passing year “International Coffee Day” was celebrated on “October 1” to support the next generation of youngsters in coffee, bringing their innovative ideas to life to benefit the whole coffee community and to support the recovery from the covid-19 epidemic, building a more affluent forthcoming for the segment too is there no denying that we have coffee for each and every day? That’s why; more or less 2.25 billion cups of coffee are consumed on daily basis throughout the world. Hence to boost coffee as one of the most foster drinks, on “October 1” Coffee Day is celebrated per annum with premium coffee beans. In this year theme/ topic for International Coffee day is to support and recognize the good job of millions of farmers who provide us with the charming drinks. Also this day is celebrated to take a closer look at the newest innovations in the world of coffee it includes roasting & brewing technologies and new harvesting etc. Plus it promotes coffee shops and retailers all across the earth and helps persons to learn extra about these sites.

History with interesting story:

As per stated by the statistics the precise origin of this day is unfamiliar. Because the “Coffee Day” also marks the long history of the drink and the coffee beans are thought to have initially been detected in Ethiopia and its discovery in Africa comes with an interesting tiny story in the year 700 AD, a herd of goats started acting strangely, almost as if they were dancing suddenly their owner, Kaldi, detected that they were eating a sort of red bean and concluded that was the cause of their behavior and Kaldi decided to share his discoveries with a monk who required something that could aid him to stay awake all night as he prayed; but one more story claims that the monk refused and threw the beans into the fire and the pleasing aroma that came from it was just marvelous then the beans are actually the pits found in the coffee berry/ cherry, “Coffee Beverages” made its way through the north into “Yemen” in more or less 15th century where the beans arrived and it called as “Mocha” thereafter, it became well known in Egypt, Persia, and Turkey as “Wine of Arab” and coffee homes initiated to open “Schools of the Wise” in short words “Coffee beverages” was originally made current in the Arab from over the 15th century it was spread nearby Asia then to Italy and across Europe and America/ United States.  In the year 1983, “All Japan Coffee Association” encouraged an event related to coffee in the United States, the term ‘National Coffee Day’ was first mentioned publicly in the year 2005 and ultimately to our breakfast mugs of households across the globe. Moreover in the year 2014 ICO (International Coffee Organization) concluded to launch its first official International Coffee Day in Milan then on October 1, 2015 the initial “International Coffee Day” was celebrated. As of today, coffee is one of the earth’s biggest crops. Besides ICO (International Coffee Organization) is the chief intergovernmental organization for coffee, importing & exporting governments to tackle the challenges facing the galaxy coffee sector through international cooperation. Its Member governments represent more or less 67% of world intake & 98% of world coffee fabrication.


On the account of this “International Coffee Organization”, the theme/ topic for the “International Coffee Day” was to appreciate the efforts/ good job of the millions of farmers and also this day is celebrated to recognize the efforts of the people related to the industry which includes Baristas, Farmers, Coffee Shop Owners and Roasters as more many brands offer discounts on this day to celebrate Coffee as a beverage drink on this occasion to celebrate coffee as a beverage and raise awareness for the plight of the coffee growers of course, the right way to celebrate “International Coffee Day” is with a tasty cup of coffee beverages. Pick from coffees such as lattes, Americano, cappuccinos, and much more & try a special coffee from other countries, such as Cypriot coffee? Numerous countries have their own special way of preparing these beverages, so it is always fun to try something new because coffee can acts a brilliant icebreaker the uses of coffee and its benefits extend a lot further than people realize, at the International Coffee Day presents us with the superb chances to realize coffee drinks.

Innovative Ideas for celebration:

At first buyers can always consider buying whole coffee beans for use at their homes it is easier to get a fresher cup of coffee when one uses straight coffee beans that can be ground up and prepared in one’s house in addition someone can try out different varieties of coffee flavors on this coffee day. As more Coffee growers can ship their products out of many fresh/ new destinations and retailers as a means of showcasing their products this is especially important when people are looking to promote new products. Buyers may be encouraged to try out fresh flavors & Coffee lovers can always visit different cafes that they have never been to before this to get a taste of the enormous coffee choices across the globe.

Types of Coffee:


  • Common types of coffee beans which is available in the market it has a rich sweet taste and less in acidic. The world’s largest exporter of Arabian Beans is Brazil


  • It is strong and harsh flavor and also extremely high levels of caffeine. It is more eminent in Africa & Europe


  • It listed under rarely find coffee beans. It has woody taste it is eminent when a plant disease called “coffee rust” set in Arabica plants all over the world


  • It is the latest addition and mostly grown in Southeast of Asia, and has fruitier flavor as well as it has the attributes of couple light and dark coffees beans. 


Humanity runs on coffee; my birthstone is a coffee bean; Coffee is a hug in a mug; AM- Coffee…PM- Still coffee; Coffee is a beverage that puts one to sleep when not drank;

Myths related to coffee:

  • Coffee reduces our weight
  • It dehydrates people
  • Helps in curing hangovers
  • A person who is pregnant & who is suffer from heart attack must avoid coffee

Unknown Facts:

  • It feels energetic
  • Lowers Stroke
  • Lowers Parkinson’s disease
  • Best source for antioxidants
  • It gives focus

Conclusion (International Coffee Day):

Pretty much one and all loves a better hot mug of coffee at the way to initiate each passing day the excitement of coffee is certainly something that all people in the world can get behind, too coffee is important to our daily lives in that we need it to keep this galaxy working. For this reason the IOC (International Coffee Day) was celebrated in this day we honor that those make coffee or its products. This feels to be great time in every single year for those who want a great coffee product that they know will help them prepare ourselves to handle/ face the life.

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By J. Vaisali, Tamilnadu


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