International Affairs

By: Richard Baby Vadakkan

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Essay On:

International Political Happenings in last ten years and its effect

History has shown us innumerable political happenings both within domestic walls as well as international affairs which have often resulted in heated debates and fights. The withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan and the recent war between Russia and Ukraine are few examples of chaotic events that happened recently. The world countries have undergone a massive change in policies and regulations which has affected millions of people all over the globe

Although a lot of these incidents were carried out with specific motives or intent, the Brexit case stands out as a strange and complicated issue both with the European union as well as within the United Kingdom

Separate Parliaments

To begin with, the United Kingdom is made up of 4 countries namely England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Even though these four countries have separate parliaments, they all come together as a single country, ie the United Kingdom. The UK is part of the European union which is a group of 27 countries. But looking at some aspects, the European union is a country in itself just like the United Kingdom because there are no borders between these countries and free flow of people is allowed

When the rules and regulations for so many countries are put together, it becomes extremely difficult to keep everyone happy at the same time. This was one of the major reasons for Brexit. The European union stated that every country has to take a fixed number of refugees within their country which made the members dissatisfied. The conservative party of Britain made this an issue and started convincing their people that it’s better to leave the European union.

This resulted in a referendum in 2016, a vote from the general public on a direct decision, which was if they wanted to stay in the European Union or not. A majority of 52% of the UK voted to leave the European union. There have been said to be instances where fake news and propaganda were spread from both sides for influencing the votes.

Research Study

A study from 2017 report stated that the people who voted for Brexit belonged to lower income groups, were victims of unemployment, lived in rural regions and were aged people. They feared that if the immigrants came, jobs would be taken over by them and that no employment would be available for the natives. All this finally resulted in Brexit on 31st January 2020

The Brexit has created a massive change in the overall economy of the UK. The “take back control” campaign had won and the conservative party got what it wanted. Likewise, this also lead to increased tariffs on imports and exports between the United kingdom and the European union. Trade became more difficult and expensive as the UK had massive import transactions from the European Union.

Companies in the United Kingdom started to bear huge losses because they couldn’t participate in public contracts with other EU countries. They could neither access the EU market nor could employ workers from the rest of EU. Now as a UK citizen, it wouldn’t be possible to travel freely to other European countries. Earlier they had multiple opportunities to look for jobs, now they would be limited to a single country

Due to these reasons, an immediate impact was seen on the economy of UK when the vote of Brexit happened. The investments, economy as well as unemployment were badly affected by this movement. There was also another issue in the referendum as the majority of Scotland voted to stay in the European Union. This made the people of Scotland upset and thus wanted another referendum to be conducted. Obviously, the United Kingdom did not like this as it would create a greater economic effect if Scotland leaves the UK.

Brexit has also affected the country of Northern Ireland, the northern part of the Republic of Ireland, which is a separate country. While the Republic of Ireland is still a member of the European Union, Northern Ireland being a part of the United Kingdom was cut of from EU membership. Provided the geographic location of Northern Ireland which is distant from England, Scotland and Wales, created more confusion and complexity within the UK. Constant fighting and chaos between Ireland and Northern Ireland is also a by product of Brexit.

Final Words

However, the UK is now free to pursue an independent trade policy from 2021 and can implement its own trade deals with other countries. This creates a new start for the country and could possibly overturn all the adversities it experienced. The United Kingdom is investing a lot on education and is inviting huge number of international students and scholars for higher education which increases both the income for the country as well as quality education for students

By: Richard Baby Vadakkan

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