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Ever wondered why laws were formed in the first place? Was it to restore peace or was it to silence the opposition? History suggests that laws were closely developed along with the evolution of human civilizations. Human civilizations and the development of humans progressed in the form of clusters. To restore peace and harmony amongst fellow humans, the leader would have established an equal stand in the form of law or justice.

Hence to consider justice as good or bad could be a perception. Perceptions are very powerful. It could make right look wrong and vice versa. Many times our minds have the highest ability to fool us.



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Justice might be fair to many and unfair to many, but does it warrant breaking the law? The answer would be a big no if we use our system one of our brains. System two of our brain would indeed consider it the other way around if you were given the freedom to think alone without any external noises around. 

The sudden gush of feeling or answer that sparks in our mind is system one in brief. System two attributes to the deep thinking that we make based on the pros and cons of the situation, the knowledge that we acquired through the course of our lives. 

Our brains are designed in such a way to abide by the masses. It is a form of survival instinct. Laws were developed by powerful people and powerful people have a huge mass behind them to support. To survive, we need to follow the masses or become powerful people ourselves.

Fairness of justice is a perception and violating it or abiding it is an outcome of the systems of the brain involved in the conflict of the decision-making process. Even our brain listens to the powerful system that wins the rage.

What happens if we choose to violate the law or abide if we think it is unfair to us? Let’s weigh down options. There are two outcomes of this situation either we stay silent and accept the law or violate it and satisfy our inner greed.


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Destruction is tough, but it breeds creation.

When you find something unfair to you, fight for it.

‘Destructing the law’ as the name suggests is involved in the destruction of power. A ‘power’ that developed the law. Power could denote a person or a committee involved in framing the law. 

Breaking something created by previously powerful people requires high stamina, high determination, high rage, high analytics, a high amount of knowledge, the highest amount of wisdom. To withstand high amounts of external pressures from both the opponents and the people who try to convince you takes a whole lot of ordeals.

Masses will begin to follow gradually when they see a leader rising and once the tipping point is reached; then, starts the party.

If the leader is wise enough he/she could even force the governing bodies to change the law. If the leader is powerful he/she could start a riot and force the governing body to change the law. What is right depends on the potential of the leader.

A new leader creates new law. It satisfies his/her inner greed or ego. Does it potentially benefit the entire hundred percent of the mass, remains an unanswered question?



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You can’t avoid the obstacles but you can learn to bounce over them.

People who have high morals or high tolerance levels or who are scared to face the world filled with sophisticated people, more powerful than themselves consider the route of accepting the law despite the fact they know it is unfair.

We cannot consider them weak or strong. Accepting and abiding by the law takes a whole lot of strength, endurance, and experience. The courage to ignore the inner rage/greed and take a big leap back into reality is no ordinary task; it requires a huge amount of courage.

The latter group of people who are typically scared to take justice into their hands is a real worry. They are neither capable of moving into the leader category nor able to accept justice. They typically end up screwing themselves and the people around them. In the due course become unacceptable people to the masses. End up as lonely people, stuck inside their prison.


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What is right or wrong is individualized. 

If you consider yourself powerful enough to become a leader and believe in making others believe you are correct, choose the path of breaking the law and creating a law that you wish to have instead of following the old set of rules. It is high time you revolt against an old set of rules. Times change, people change, our mind evolves, hence the law should also keep up its pace with time.

If you consider yourself as a peace lover or acceptor of the old form of laws or you consider yourself incapable of handling the injustice, better to sit on the side-lines and watch the injustice that happens in front of us.

It is the power inside our brain that decides becoming a militant or an acceptor of injustice.

Try to make decisions that prioritize your inner peace.


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