I’m a woman in this patriarchy

By: Zainab Ali Azmat

woman Harassment
woman Harassment
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An assertion by Melinda Gates says that a woman with a voice is by definition a strong woman.What exactly is the true meaning of a strong woman?.Is she the one who thinks about herself?.This inquiry is reinforced by Coco Chanel’s statement which suggested that the most courageous act is still to think for yourself,aloud.

However ,it sparks concerns regarding the potential consequences of vocal self -expression.

“Aurat ho,Aurat ban kar raho”,sparks debate.Does it mean embracing femininity and dignity or conforming to societal expectations?.

What does this really mean?.

Behaving like a civilized woman in this loud yet quite world startles me.For me,the true definition of power is portrayed perfectly by my mother.She is a single mother who manages the entire household alone ,along with her 4 children.She drives alone.Is being alone an open invite to others to prey on her?.Everyday ,preying eyes of men scrutinize our bodies,leaving us both baffled.Regrettably ,solitary women often face increased vulnerability to harassment.

 A disturbing incident on public transportation underscores the persuasive objectification and potential danger faced by women.A perfect example is when once I was travelling by local transport called a rikshaw. For those readers who are unfamiliar with this term ,it’s a four -wheeler with open doors.

I saw a biker ,a man in his early 20’s extending his hand filled with what seemed like a sticky -semen and threw it courageously at the woman sitting next to me…

This egregious act underscores the urgent scores the urgent need for the societal behavior and expectations to change.

Was she doing something worth being humiliated or being this near to get raped ?.In my opinion, no woman deserves this humiliation or predation. 

Delving into our next important topic of discussion which is how can one actually prevent rape or violence against women?.

It requires a multi-faceted approach where a person can try to support the survivors and believe in their stories,educating themselves about what is moral and what is considered immoral and engaging men in prevention efforts.While ,on a societal level we can encourage the media representation of women empowerment, enact laws protecting women rights and promote gender equality in education, employment and Healthcare.

I’d like to end this essay by saying that ,”Nazar ka parda ,duniya ka sab se bara parda hai”.When translated to English it simply means that the veil of one’s eyes is the most important veil.

By: Zainab Ali Azmat

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