I Noticed ( A Poem)

Photo @ M K Paul
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I ne’er noted it before,

The Red Roses and their Blue Branches

I ne’er noticed earlier ,the light of the room

I didn’t feel the coolness of the air, before,

I ne’er noted anything, but You

Just you, only you.

Then couldn’t sleep without your dream,

I never saw what anything was, you seem,

Until I saw you,

And I couldn’t help it.

Until your presence gave colors to the flowers,

And until the branches of blue.

Until this, I never saw you.

Don’t know how love entered,

Whether, came by ear- eye or nose,

Or via Heart.

It was infused with soul,

And in parts, here and there,

This bothers me, and I likewise,

But, as anyone can tell,

That, when he departs,

The outlets starts from the heart.

My soul thrusts on you,

The choice- conscience made by us, both.

We don’t exist, unless mutually,

We are unaware, aware, or alternately.

Love soothes our souls,

Like charismatic-heat travels ,pole to pole.

Now,once I notice you,

didn’t mind seeing..

I can feel the color

The light and the air…

Each road of life,now, ends with you

Like happy cheerful grasses, wet with dew…

World –Destiny, fiddling, ahead of you

Death is better

Better-Much Better, uncaring you.


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