How to write creative writing essays

By: Prabhgun Kaur

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Essay writing is an art. A very interesting and creative one. It enhances one’s writing skills, boosts one’s confidence, improves one’s grammar and literature and  develops one’s mind set. Essay writing is a very fun task. Essay writing allows one to pen down all his beliefs, ideas, perspectives, thoughts and feelings. But a writer’s mind is always overshadowed by the fear of his essay not getting interest, likes and appreciation.

While writing an essay on any particular topic, one tries his best to use his creativity at the best level possible. But it is quite hard for beginners to make their essays creative as their minds are always full of fear. Some points which one should adhere to in order to make their essays creative and more interesting and interpretive are as follows:

• before starting writing, motivate yourself. Encourage yourself. Have faith in yourself. Believe that you are capable of writing outstanding essays

• feel free to Express your feelings, ideas, perspectives, emotions, beliefs and ideologies towards the given topic

• use proverbs, quotes, idioms, short stories and lines of some great poets or writers wherever required

• use synonyms of words in order to modify your writing

• if you want to Express your true emotions regarding a particular topic, first pen down your ideas in the language you are master in, and then translate the same in the language you are writing the essay in

• don’t worry about the word limit. Essays can be trimmed and shortened after completing them

• write your ideas and feelings in points. That way, more information would be covered

• read or watch any book or movie based on the topic so that you gain information regarding it

• share your personal experience regarding the topic

• use statements or religious quotes in order to support your writing

• use real-life examples

• use names of some great personalities

• always get your grammar checked by someone elder or experienced

• try to share your essays with some recognized newspapers or magazines In order to earn confidence and encouragement. Confidence and encouragement motivate one to keep writing

• don’t write out of compulsion or obligation. Write whenever you feel like writing

• Google about the topic in order to get some brief information

• Try to write about the topics you feel are important or necessary to be highlighted

• try to write in an open place like a  garden or under the night sky as your creativity shows up when the atmosphere around is relaxing and pleasant

• write whenever you are in a good or pleasant mood

• write on laptop, mobile phone or tab as it will make the task easier and most probably not boring

• try to write in a poetic way as in  exaggerate or highlight the deep meaning of even the trivial facts or truth of real life

• make your essay interesting by comparing the literary meaning of the topic from the known facts with your beliefs

• mention the moral you learn from the topic.

• the topic for example is Values, then just don’t simply focus on the definition of Values rather mention your opinions regarding values

• praise yourself after writing a good line as self encouragement gives rise to dedication and concentration which eventually increase creativity

• give your thoughts words

• try to use the religious word in replacement of a word relevant to mythology. For example, Devi in place of Goddess or Amrit in place of holy water

• use examples from mythology as mythology itself is quite interesting

• use nature as example. For example, if you are writing on purity of character, take lotus as an example which blossoms in mud yet is beautiful

• try to write about the godly merits like mercy, forgiveness, love and patience

• listen to soothing music while writing

• use imaginary or fictional characters as examples. For example, shinchan as mischievous yet good hearted

• try to use a popular quote of any language either in the beginning or end of the essay

• try to write about what nature and the elements of the world try to make us understand

All these points may help writers to write creative essays. Actually, everyone has the ability to write creative essays. It’s just that they are afraid of writing. They should feel free to write.

Writing not only helps one pour his heart out but this field has many opportunities and benefits as well. Writing creative essays is not hard. It’s rather quite easy and fun. Framing even a good sentence on your own, is the first step towards becoming a good writer. So, write, write and write. Eventually, your essays, poems and stories will gain creativity and interest. Just, believe in yourself.

By: Prabhgun Kaur

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