By: Sahanma Methyanie Premarathne

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Essay writing is a precious art. It is another way of communicating one’s feelings towards any topic in the world. Everyone can write essays as in many types such as research essays, biographies, empowerment essays etc. by using many styles. Among all those facts, the skill creativity is the most essential ability you must have to write a good professional type essay. So it is proved that although everyone can write essays the quality of essays are based on their creative minds.

Then how you can improve this skill “creativity?” It is not very hard to achieve. However as the mirror of the skill creativity, the writer must have to clean up his or her mind first. The writer wants a pure mind with free feelings. The mind wants to fly everywhere through the aroma of flowers, the songs of wind, through the silver water droplets, the sunshine as well as others’ hearts and different feelings of different social figures. Actually it is awesome that one’s creativity is the sign of his or her sensitivity. Even though you are in the table full of white writing papers, you can fly away to see another planet or environment or social community. For that you don’t have any obstacles. You don’t have to wait for the sun and the moon.

Here, one’s thinking pattern and his surroundings decide what theme of this creativity or the side of this creativity he bears. For an example, if you are living in a rural area, you know the sound of nature more than a person in an artificial world. Then your creativity will based according to the theme, nature and the virtues around you. The person in that urban area will bear a proper understanding of people and many traditions, customs of various communities.

Not only that if anyone can understand the variety of human feelings and their reactions before various things, even the brutality of social discrimination, other traditional or rational remarks, it will decide his or her creativity. Likewise, before you are going to create an essay first you should understand the side of your creativity through the things around you. 

So after you understood the song of yourself with your open mind, you can fly up to the next step. Then you want to take up your creativity and feelings that are born in your inner heart, in to a paper. So how you are going to do it? There will be many problems like what fact want to write first and then what fact will match to the previous etc. Your brain will vacillate with the creative feelings you are going to sketch on the paper.

The best remedy is take another paper and write down the facts that are moving down from your mind. It is ok that you will never receive a document with powerful arrangement or any organisation.  After your mind stopped outputting data, you want to make a mind map based on the facts you have written. Then after few attempts you will be able to write the facts in a systematic way by matching them successfully.

Actually this is not the end. Now you want to check what you have written orderly. Then you will remind some another facts also. Then think a lot and add those if you want.  Finally a powerful essay will shine before yourself.

It is very sarcastic if you read the above guidelines and think to achieve the most precious essay. The reality is you wants to practice by writing many essays based on many different themes. Actually the understanding of creativity and critical side will also be improved by practising writing more essays on various themes. Finally you will understand what side matches your own feelings is.

Think that are there any writers who achieved the professional popularity through their very first attempt? So it is very useful to understand that the difference of a creative writing and a mere essay.

Simply it is well-known that creative means a new invention. So if only you have mere facts in your essay it will not be a creative, newly inventive creation. Your essay must have the quality of distributing the feeling of the body of the essay to the deep hearts of the readers. It has to be very sensitive towards the human hearts. Then your attempt will bloom fruits in your mind.

As extra elements, you can use many techniques to improve the quality of your essay. You can use literary devices such as metaphors, hyperbole, parenthesis, similes, dialogues, etc.  So reading books is the remedy for collecting such essential tactics.  

Always, with your own way of creativity, you must attempt to invent a side that anyone couldn’t see in to your set of white papers. Then you will win. To obtain a high quality and professional type essay, you must view and observe the things around you with an extraordinary eye irrespective to the ordinary viewing.

By considering all those facts it is crystal clear that what steps you can practice to achieve your dream of writing a creative essay.

By: Sahanma Methyanie Premarathne

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