How to write creative writing essays?

By: Ritika Sagar

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Writing an essay allows the writer to channel their thoughts on a particular topic or issue. The topics for an essay may vary. While some may focus on a person’s academic intellect while other topics allow the person to explore their creative abilities. For instance, an academic essay would ask an individual to write about ‘Women Empowerment’ while a creative essay will ask a person to write an essay about ‘Describe a World with Gender Role Reversal’. 

Creative essay writing allows a writer to explore more about their feelings or emotions and their experiences which they can include in their essay. Thus, creative essays resonate with freedom of expression. This is not the case in academic essays where one has to restrict their writing to the facts and figures which are present and not much is left for creativity. 

Points to writing creative writing essay

  1. Surrounding- When writing an essay that taps on one’s creative potential, then the first thing to do is to choose a surrounding that facilitates a person’s mental calmness so that one can think and write with ease. Choose the surrounding based on personal preferences such as home garden, terrace, nearby park, etc. Moreover, try to stay away from electronic devices such as mobile phones, television, etc. 
  2. Topic- Take time and choose the topic wisely. This is required so that the chosen topic must arouse the imagination of the writer and they can smoothly approach the topic. The writer may include his/her anecdotes related to personal life if the preferred topic resonates with his/her own life. 
  3. Understand the topic- Once the individual has chosen the topic, he/she must take a few minutes to understand the topic wholly so that the writer is clear about what to write and what not to write. 
  4. Rough draft- A draft is not a final work. It is just a plan on how to approach things. Since an essay involves different ideas, there are high chances of the person skipping some of them. Thus, it is necessary to sketch a draft and include all those ideas that one needs to pen down. A rough draft helps the writer to take less time when writing the final essay.
  5. Structure- An essay without any structure and sequence is meaningless no matter whether the essay is written brilliantly. This is because when a reader reads the essay he/she must find the written piece to be smooth in its transition from one point to another so that the reader has a clear grasp of the essay. Introduction, body, and conclusion are the basic structures that need to be followed in almost all essays. 
  • The introduction must mention the characters related to the narration that the writer is giving. 
  • The body must describe the events, problems, and ways to resolve them.
  • The conclusion must sum up the whole narration in a few lines.
  1. Ideas- A writer who prefers writing creative essays to academic essays, is required to note down personal anecdotes in their diary or notebooks, which they can utilize during writing essays. This facilitates the writer to integrate their personal life experiences and creative abilities to produce a masterpiece. 
  2. Title- There are times when a writer is unable to think of a title for their creative essay at the beginning. This is because he/she is still not sure how their essay would shape up and what will be the outcome. Therefore, they are most likely to keep tentative titles. A writer may write his/her essay and then must ponder over the title. This is because the content of the essay may hint toward a suitable title. A title must be such that it must intrigue the reader to read the essay. 
  3. Simple words- To write a creative essay writing, the words used must be simpler to understand by the readers. This is because the use of complex words may deter the readers to comprehend the true meaning of creative essay writing. 


Creative essay writing is a way of expanding the creative boundaries of a writer. This may look tough at the start but once the pace sets in, one can fluidly write the essay. Some may be experts in writing a creative essay while others may be beginners in writing creative essays. To help such beginners, the aforementioned points may facilitate them to write an impactful essay that would create a deep impression on the readers’ minds. One can use one of these points or all of them as guidance to enhance their creative writing abilities. 

By: Ritika Sagar

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