By: Fousiamol H

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All are know how to write an essay. But what is creative essay?How to write a creative essay? The first stage of writing are usually most challenging. People generally do not like this stage, because it is hard to create something out of nothing. Your essay introduction should include three main things in this order. An opening hook to catch the readers attention. Relevant background information that the reader need sto know. A thesis statement that presents your main point or argument. 

Write something creatively in creative essay writing. Select the subject that has topical relevance. It leads to the increase in the number of readers. The creative essay outline follows the standard essay structure. It consists of an introduction, a body and a conclusion. Each one plays a major role in plot development, and the amount of variety that exists in the formatting of this essay is quite large.Start your essay with an attention grabber.You can give a surprising fact,unusual statistics ,a question, an anecdote ;finish your introductory paragraph with a thesis statement that you will discuss in your essay. Create body paragraphs. Write a paragraph for each main point. Style ,to a creative writer,  is essentially the way in which you write. It results from decisions  a writer makes such as word choice,tone and syntax. It is the voice ,readers “hear” when they read your work .

How to write a creative essay? First of all researching your topic.Make notes and gather important information about the topic you are going to cover .Study about the topic. Writer must have a deep.and clear knowledge about the topic. Read a lot of books based on that subject and collect the knowledge of experts,  it is also good to do  a little study about the topic to get a clear understanding. 

Make a good plan about the basic structure.  Plan the basic structure of your writing. It is very good to write a rough draft first. So you can understand your mistakes and include more points in your writing.  Arrange the paragraphs in proper order. Create a proper resolution.  Write  in detail about the essay. Anyone can write an essay, if he has apt knowledge about that topic. It is not a problem that we are not a professional writer. Don’t write about the wrong things in essay.Keep the essay question in mind .Don’t try to write an essay from beginning to end, especially not in a single sitting.  Write the introduction and conclusion after the body. Use ‘signpost ‘ words in your writing. Integrate your evidence carefully 

Through an essay we are able to put forward new ideas and thereby make the society aware. While writing start with action or dialogue  . Ask a question or set of questions. These are the ideas to write a creative essay. 

By: Fousiamol H

Write and Win: Participate in Creative writing Contest & International Essay Contest and win fabulous prizes.

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