How to Write an Essay Fast & Effectively

By: Sahana.S

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Before you start writing, take no more than 10 minutes to create an outline for your essay. This may seem like a big chunk of valuable time, but it will save you from having to rewrite or restructure your essay once you start writing.

The essay will likely be directed by a question or a prompt, like a quote, with a question. It’s important that you read the question carefully and understand what it is asking of you.

A thesis statement will convey to your reader the points or arguments you are going to make in your paper. It acts a road map for your paper and should answer the question, “What is this paper about?” It should take a stand and announce your position on the topic.

Make a rough outline of your five paragraph essay-Introduction: Your beginning paragraph should contain an engaging first sentence and your thesis statement. Some writers find it easier to write create a temporary introduction and revise it once they are finished with the essay. This will ensure the introduction is cohesive with the rest of the essay.Body paragraph 1-3: Each paragraph should discuss one major point of your thesis, with at least one supporting example.Conclusion: This paragraph should summarize your main argument and restate your thesis. You may also want to include last thoughts around the essay question.

Now that you have your thesis statement and your outline, focus on composing content for each part of the essay.Try to spend two to three minutes on each body paragraph. Then, take three minutes on your conclusion paragraph and go back to your introduction. Spend the last three minutes revising your introduction so it matches the tone and perspective of the rest of your essay.

There are several possible hooks you can use in your essay to draw your reader in.Focus on fleshing out each paragraph with at least one example of your main point. Sign-post each paragraph by beginning with a strong argumentative point that links to a supporting example of your main point.

Make your conclusion clear and to the point. Avoid introducing new ideas or arguments in your conclusion. Instead, restate your thesis and your main points.Use the last five minutes to proofread your essay. Look for any spelling, punctuation, or grammatical errors. You may want to read your essay backwards to check for any spelling issues, as you will only be focusing on the words themselves, rather than the meaning of the sentences.

Create a title for the essay. It can be easier to create a title for your essay once you have finished it. You could use a quotation from the essay, a phrase or term you refer back to often in the essay, or a summary of your main point.

Once you remember and follow all these points, writing an efficient and fast essay will just be a piece of cake!

By: Sahana.S

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