By: Nilanjana Mallik

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In the era of fast forwarding every video just to save a bit of time , we even need to write an essay fast. But it does not mean one has to increase their writing or typing speed only. One needs to complete the whole process of research and writing fast with accuracy.

  One has to have right approach towards the topic, right resources to study, right amount of time to think, right place without any disturbances and to put down your thoughts correctly both in grammar and content quality.

Firstly one needs to know how to write an essay errorlessly and then he or she can think of increasing speed and accuracy.

For a reaction to occur, one needs the reactants in right amount in optimum condition of temperature and pH. These are the basic requirements and the presence of catalyst can increase the speed of the reaction by decreasing its activation energy. Same follows her. Her, one’s right approach would work as catalyst. One should follow these simple steps to write an essay fast with good content and quality. 


One needs to know the demand before supplying. One needs to understand the requirement to do fruitful research on it. If one does not have enough resorces then try to decipher the impact of that certain topic socially, financially, emotionally at individual level and then at community level. Understanding the subject better helps to think in a particular direction which eventually would lead to better imagination and good thoughts.


In today’s 5G world one has a very access to umpteen online materials to study. Those are very specific and superb time saver ifone knows the right ad free website for pinpoint concentration. The giant search enginesand their recommendation algorithm might help one immensely. So try to figure out-

a) reliable website for correct information.

b) distraction free means like switching on the “Focus assist” to block other notifications and “Reading mode” to reduce eye strain.

If one is free from the vast endless trap of the internet and belives in age old golden way of reading excessive books then they need to have the exact required books or journals and if those are properly highlighted all the important points then that is ice on the cake.


It would be hazardous and mentally exhaustive if one has all the materials but lacks the map to sort it out. One should have a rough outline to get the output faster. One cannot get an exact blueprint but they should atleast create a rough sketch to get an idea of how it might turn out.In reality one will get the flow only after starting writing. However it is advisable to write introductionor preface and conclusion in the last because show starters and show stoppers always get special attentiion and care. Those are the toppings on the pizza which enhance taste, beauty, flavour and even price!


Optimum conditions are always required to complete anyprocess or reaction. Perfect ambience helps one to attain the undivided focus and concentration on that particular subject and thought process.

a) Find a suitable disturbance ffee space to note down your mental exercise outcome.

b) Select a time slot when your concentration level and body energy are at peak according to your body’s biological clock. Your cerebrum and hypothalamus should work in a perfect sync.

c) Create your preferable ambience such as temperature and your active mental participation; you should have all your essential items like pages , pens, water bottle, other beverages depending on your choice on your study tableas any lackings can decease productivity which ultimately would kill time only. 

Interphase of cell division consumes more than 95 % of total time needed for cell division and rest is used for actual division. Subsequently preparation demands time .After careful and strict checking all the essential list , start writing with a peaceful mind and proceed with your vision. 


Now it’s only how much well controlled your skeletal system is ! Improve your joints in phalanges and sync with your forebrain to form meaningful phrases and command your hand to note that down. It takes vigorous practice and a lot of devoted time to write fast with a neat handwriting as apparantly, only doctors have that patent to pursue a bad handwriting with pride.

 Practice makes a man perfect and consistency is the key. Constant practice with vast variety of topics assist one toget that fluidity in writing process. After all content writing demands intense intellectual investment along with devoted time and hardwork.

One must have sufficint knowledge, easy access to resources, good critical analytical approach and thinking ability, laxative language, expressive mind and a desire to accomplish that job to writte an essay effortlessly within minimum amont of time. 

By: Nilanjana Mallik

Write and Win: Participate in Creative writing Contest & International Essay Contest and win fabulous prizes.

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