How to write an essay fast

By: Swaroopa Manthri

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Writing an essay defines the key information on a particular subject:

You don’t need to work on framing out larger sentences to portray your message on a certain topic. All you need to work on is; how fastly you deliver the information in the right sense. And of course, it is what matters. Writing lengthy or brief paragraphs doesn’t mean an essay. Writing an essay needs specific planning to present the topic in the right format.

Some writers work on a certain topic for hours:

Yes, it’s true. Finding the topic from different materials like search engines might take more time than planned. Some people hardly work for around 24 hours to present tricky essays. Most of us think that writing a definite essay consumes less time than researching time. This statement is not true. There are different modules involved to present the final structure of the essay. To speed up essay writing faster, you need to follow up on certain tips eventually.

Let’s see the crucial tips involved:

To present your essay as fast as possible, you have to enhance your writing skills with practice. Along with it, proper planning helps you a lot to improve your presentation work. Let’s see some below tips for writing an essay faster.

Time management matters a lot to write an essay faster.

For example, if you are planning to write a desired essay, fix the time to around 30 to 40 minutes. Here you have to segment the time for writing different modules of the essay.

  • It’s like planning time of about ten minutes to write key outlines of the essay.
  • Then the body of the essay takes more than 15 minutes.
  • And the final reading of the essay takes around 5 to 10 minutes.

Ensure that the time you spent on the specific essay is reasonable to allocate for it or not.  Remember that, some tricky essays take more time. It doesn’t mean that you are weak at this point. It only means; how well you are presenting based on the scheduled time and the genre of the essay (like some essays are easy and some are more tricky). This is why managing your time on essay writing plays a crucial role.

Answering the essay questions matters your writing skills:

Before writing any kind of essay, initially, you have to understand the essay question clearly. Some writers take more time to understand an essay and some crack the answer very quickly. Here an essay writer must be aware of different topics and must develop an awareness of general topics. Majorly, some writers come up with quick answers and some directly pen down whatever strikes their mind in essay writing. So, try to answer essay questions of different modes as quickly as possible.

Whatever the topic is, research well on the key issues related to it. Always notice that, be concise and brief on the major points of the essay.

Quick outlining of the essay is crucial:

Of course, frame the essay into key paragraphs. It involves; the introduction paragraph, the body of the essay in 2 to 3 paragraphs, and the conclusion paragraph. Remember that each paragraph must be interlinked. It shouldn’t look like a confusing article. Write whatever is needed for the essay you are answering about. But the final revision matters to conclude whether your essay is readable or not. All you need to focus on is; whether the essay writing is going to be completed within the time scheduled or not.

Grammar check and editing equally matter:

You know most of us present the essay without any grammar checks and editing. Even though your essay sentences are having good stuff and all. Don’t worry, editing an essay takes less time only.

In a motive for faster essay presentation, writers simply submit copied content:

Some writers blindly reframe the sentences of the essay directly from internet sources. It looks like a copied essay content. Some websites present clear information on the topic. Unfortunately, most beginner writers blindly copy the essay to complete it as faster as possible.

The best tip for writing an essay faster especially for beginners is;

Fix a particular time alarm to start and stop writing an essay. In the meantime, you can research the topic and write the essay. Practice this pattern to write more essays as per the time scheduled.

Spending most of the time on essay writing is different from spending less time. Planning the quality time on the essay you write defines your caliber of writing. Don’t blindly spend time on easy essays. Some writers sit more on writing easy topics by collecting more information than required. Always establish the essay in a brief and precise way to let the readers understandable.


You know writing an essay faster is a skill for a writer.  Practice well in writing more essays and also try to read more essays from your available sources. It is not only helpful for a successful essay writing career but also makes you more knowledgeable too.

By: Swaroopa Manthri

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