How To Write A Review Essay for Better Output

By: Rameen Fazal

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A review essay is an essay type that is based on an analytic view of some literal or academic work. This type of essay purely shows the author’s feelings, thoughts, and opinions about the main theme and idea, which he/she tries to convey to the audience.

The review essay must be based on the school of thought or scrutiny of writers about the work. The review of work depends on two phases. First, evolve an argument about the essay; second, write a systematic and logical review.

The Importance of the Review Essay

The purpose of a review essay is to allow students or a person to understand and analyze the arguments and main themes of readings and also structure them in a reasoned, rational, amalgamated, and thematic manner.

The main goal of this essay is to develop analytical, reasoning, and rational thinking skills in students or anyone. This type of essay doesn’t have to do with research skills. But to view a work academically or literary and develop a logical and systemic view of that work.

Read The Work

The first thing you need to do is read the work, article, or journal you are reviewing. Read and understand the work carefully and try to understand the main theme the author is trying to convey to the audience.

Note the important lines

While reading the work, make sure you have a pen and paper and note down all the major points and lines mentioned in the work. The line or the dialogue which you like or find captivating, write it down and also write your ideas and understanding of the line or dialogue within brackets to add your feedback as well.

Ask Yourself A Question

When you are done with your reading, sit back and relax. Then rewind all the work in your mind and ask yourself a number of questions, like what the author tries to deliver, which group of people the author wants to target, what you will do if you are in that specific condition (mentioned in work), what is your understanding and how that work changed or made a new perspective of yours.

Make a Draft

When you gather all the ideas and opinions about that work , don’t hastily jump into the final outcome. Write a rough draft before writing the final one. The rough draft allows you to write freely without any mental hesitation about not making any mistakes. This will allow the free flow of ideas and thoughts on paper. Read your draft again and again to make sure to remove or exclude all unnecessary things or data from your essay.


The title should be catchy and attractive enough to represent and speculate on the main theme and focus of the whole essay. Choose your title as hermeneutic, explanatory, or inquisitive.

Pay Tribute To Work

When you are writing a review essay, you should provide a citation for the article or work you are working on. The citation of the work should be done properly according to proper standards.

Identify The Work

Begin your review essay with a brief introduction to the work on which you are giving a review, including the title, author’s name, and publication date. This step will provide the background information for the article or work on which you are giving a review. The structure of a review essay consists of an introduction, body, and conclusion.


The introduction of an essay introduces your topic and gives a sketch of what will be discussed in the body of the essay. The introduction of an essay usually contains 10 to 15 % of the essay’s total length.

The introductory paragraph should provide a brief idea of your topic and the thesis statement. The introduction mainly talks about the brief overview of your essay or work. The introduction should be initiated with a recognition sentence. The main theme and idea of the work that you are reviewing should be touched on in the introductory part.

Main Body

The main body of your essay is the lengthiest and densest part of your essay. It is the main maneuver of your essay. This is the part where you demonstrate your main ideas, thoughts, arguments, and findings from the work in your own way. Use your comprehension to determine whether the article is intelligible and to the point. Back up your professes with evidence from the work. You can use strong quotes and lines from the work or from other sources. The body can cover almost 70% of your essay.


The final part by which you can end your essay is the conclusion. It contains the whole soul of your essay. Write all of your essays’ main and key points (basically, which helps to deliver your opinion) without leaving any point behind. The essay should come to an end by summarizing all the main points of the essay, as well as your thoughts and opinions about the noteworthiness and precision of those points. Summarize all ideas, opinions, and thoughts in an enthralling and fascinating manner.

Post-Writing Tips

When you are done with writing, there are some indispensable things to do in order to make your essay look extraordinary and stunning. Here are some tips you can use to make your essay look flawless.

  • Read the tempo again and double-check it.
  • Check for grammatical errors and remove them.
  • Use a thesaurus in order to achieve a rich vocabulary in your essay.
  • Do some proofreading.

Final Thoughts

Review essays are the types of essays that entirely depend on the writer’s feelings, opinions, and thoughts about a specific work. This can allow a person to show or develop analytical or rational thinking skills within him/herself. The main purpose of this essay is to develop cogent and sensible thinking within students and people. Pick an article or work. Read that carefully, understand it, and point out the main themes and ideas within the work. Then ask different questions to get the main understanding of your own ideas and views on that work. Be true to your feelings, emotions, and analytical views about how that works and paint your thoughts in the most alluring way on paper.

By: Rameen Fazal

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