By: Aditi Ostwal

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Review essays are critical reviews of at least 2 (usually 3 or 4) readings covered in the course. Often they will be from the same week, but students are free to choose readings from different weeks if they believe they can be usefully contrasted. The purpose of these essays is to allow students to show that they understand the arguments or main points of several readings and can analyze them in a coherent, integrated, and thematic fashion, the concept, the need and the background of the essay. They get to learn for different agendas and cover multiple topics.

You should not do any additional research or make reference to any outside works in writing these papers. The aim is to develop your writing and analytical skills, not your research skills. Research is useful when it comes to topics where you lack information or also you are well aware if the topic but you want to add on more facts or it can also be looking for words. The readings form the raw material on which you are to make a coherent and critical argument and form an opinion.

Course readings even from the same week are rarely on exactly the same topic, or rarely do they discuss a topic from exactly the same point of view. Therefore, the challenge is to find and make connections, to make the readings speak to each other by reorganizing them and selectively focussing on certain aspects of.Review essays present an argument based on the readings so that they are in constant and full dialogue with one another. The aim is to get a theme that runs through the entire essay so that in “reviewing” the readings you are really interpreting them. This is an intepretive, exegetical exercise. The reader needs to know at every page where you are going and how it all fits together

A good rule of thumb to follow is to pose a question at the outset of the paper that you intend to answer. This gives the paper a coherence and allows you keep a focus on your question and its answer, using the readings critically for this purpose.

As we profoundly review our choices on food, movies, series, articles, etc. this is also an opinionated kind of essay but should be written frankly and positively.

By: Aditi Ostwal

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