How to Write a Good Essay

By: Dhrubajyoti Borthakur

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High school students are often asked to prepare an effective 5-page essay about a chosen topic. On the one hand, this assignment is very easy. On the other hand, novice high school students will have solid troubles with writing, because it is hard to complete a logical and informative paper of this kind if your experience is poor. If you want to learn something about 5-page essay writing, you are able to use our writing tips for your advantage.

How to research on an topic:-

The initial duty of every student is to research his topic carefully and collect information about it. One ought to look through several sources in order to understand his subject better. Moreover, when you read books, you learn something new about your topic. Consequently, you have wiser ideas and you know what you want to describe.

It does not worth mentioning that you should plan the process of writing accurately. It is impossible to compose a successful 5-page essay if you do not arrange this process wisely. The best way to give a good start to your essay is to design a good outline. You are expected to mention every important section, thought provoking point and issue that you want to place into your essay. Remember that a good 5-page essay should consist of three parts – exposition, the main body and denouement.

Write a good and long essay

When you are going to write an introduction, you ought to know that your task is to attract reader’s attention and to clarify the topic and the main subject of your paper. You are able to prepare a good thesis statement in order to make your 5-page essay sound better. Try to make a precise thesis statement that will cover only one sentence. Your introduction should occupy no more than a half of a standard page.

Writing the main body

The main body is a bit longer part of your essay and it should occupy four pages. This section should be divided into paragraphs that describe your personal ideas about your subject. You will need to observe your problem from several sides in order to make it look like a real informative essay. Choose the best arguments to support your thoughts and devote a paragraph to every idea and argument. With the help of this approach, you will be able to create a concise and understandable text.


When you are through with your main body, you are able to conclude your analysis and provide readers with the results of this brief research. Show the relevance of your subject with the help of a thought provoking catchy quotation. This final chapter of your 5-page essay should cover the last half of a page.

By: Dhrubajyoti Borthakur

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