How to write a 5 page essay

By: Sania Anna Prince

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Writing a lengthy essay can be very tiring and you can get very much annoyed at times. It is very easy to get distracted in the middle of writing an essay. Sometimes to write a lengthy essay as long as 5 pages you really need to have the patience required for it and try not to be tired and bored in the middle. There are some points we definitely need to keep in mind while writing a lengthy essay. 


We need to know about our topic and do thorough research on it and make sure you are not missing any topics and researching everything thoroughly. Having a good foundation will let you finish an essay fast. 


You can make use of this opportunity and create ideas in your mind first related to the topic and give these. You can do this by having fresh ideas. If you are lacking ideas you can either research and find some interesting things to write or spend some time pondering on the topic and writing things. 


Having a good beginning will benefit you a lot by having you to write much more impressive things after the introduction. Having the freedom to write what you want related to the topic makes it much easier to relate yourself to the topic. 


The main part of our essays is what we need to make the most impressive , as that is what makes our essay have the importance of the topic and make our essay be on point. The main part of the essay tells the most about the whole topic from all the parts of your essay. As it makes almost the whole essay you should try your best to make it look the best of all parts.


The conclusion has a lot of effect as it determines what you have been trying to explain in the above lines of your essay. The conclusion reminds people of all that what you just wrote and makes them remember that much more than the main part. So it always needs to be much better and you need to put in a lot of effort. 


Editing the essay is very important. When you edit your essays you start to find many more mistakes in your essay and try to undo them which makes your essay much better. It also helps with cleaning your essay to make it look neat. The editing also helps you to find out about the things that you did wrong and make them right. This will help you to not do these thing in the future 

These points will help you to write an essay of 5 pages really fast and help you to finish it off within the time limit. Nothing can stop you from writing an essay that you want to be written in your way. Don’t stop doing what you want to do just because you think you can do it. This will not help you to grow yourself but instead make you lose the interest to write essays anymore. So let’s do what we like the most and not step away from that.

By: Sania Anna Prince

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