How to Minimize Environment Issues?A comparison between Hydrogen car and electric car

By: Md Tafsir Ali

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Our environment is a collection of interconnected natural and artificial features that has been modified by anthropogenic conditions. The environment is everything around us, hence the earth’s natural resources are what make up our environment. An organism lives in an environment that is made up of different elements like air, water, land, etc. To produce a Harmonious Balance in the Environment for the Organism to survive in, these components are present in defined quantities. But in the modern day, we are dealing with the most serious environmental problems ever.

All of these things—our planet, our lives, and our civilization’s future—are in danger. And there are some problems that are harming both human existence and the earth’s ecosystem. It affects everyone who lives on the planet, not just the environment. In addition, pollution, global warming, greenhouse gasses, ozone layer depletion, deforestation, and many other factors are its main causes.

Human activity continuously degrades the environment, which ultimately leads to the loss of the earth’s ability to support life. Additionally, people who are impacted by these problems such as Automotive Soundproofing are dying and enduring severe illnesses like lung cancer and asthma that are brought on by air pollution. Water contamination causes cholera and diarrhea. Noise pollution can cause hearing loss and hypertension.

Hydrogen car

Last but not least, the fuel car serves as an illustration of its effect on the environment. A vehicle that runs on hydrogen fuel is known as a hydrogen vehicle. Vehicles powered by hydrogen are essentially electric automobiles plus a fuel tank. They offer better range than any pure EV on the market today while boasting the performance and quick torque of battery electric vehicles.

As of 2019, steam methane reforming, which releases carbon dioxide, produces 98% of the hydrogen. It can be made through the electrolysis of water, thermochemical reactions, or pyrolysis. Hydrogen may be used to power a variety of vehicles, including cars, buses, forklifts, trains, canal boats, ships, airplanes, submarines, and rockets.                                                                                                              

Advantage of hydrogen fuel cell

Electric automobiles don’t emit any emissions, in contrast to their counterparts that run on fuel. There is a trick, though. There can be some environmental problems if they are powered by a generator. But the entire process is completely clean if the power utilized for charging comes from wind or solar power plants.

Despite all of these advantages, internal combustion engines offer a number of noteworthy advantages over electric vehicles. The driving range of electric vehicles is undoubtedly one of the biggest factors preventing people from purchasing them.

A hydrogen car can travel around 300 miles on a full tank before needing to be refilled. Electric cars, on the other hand, can only go 100–200 miles on a full charge before needing another recharge.

The final reason is that compared to electric vehicles, gasoline-powered cars are significantly more prevalent worldwide. As a result, it is not difficult to find a replacement for any broken parts. With electric vehicles, this is not the case, especially in areas where they are still relatively uncommon.

Disadvantages of hydrogen fuel cell

There are certain drawbacks to utilizing it that have an influence on the environment. Some of them include high prices for new cars, high initial depreciation, changing may be a problem, a small variety of vehicles, immature technology, the need for significant R&D investment, high fuel costs, safety issues, and hydrogen generation that may not be environmentally acceptable. Hydrogen does not exist by itself, despite being the most prevalent element in the universe.

Electric car 

An electric car is one that runs on electricity. It does not emit any air-polluting emissions and does not have an internal combustion engine. Because it can be charged using an outlet, the electric car is extremely useful to use. According to the definition, an electric automobile is a vehicle that is either entirely or mostly propelled by a motor that draws electricity from a battery. Battery is rechargeable. This vehicle was especially well-liked in the 1880s, the first usable in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Advantage of electric car: 

One of the main advantages of electric cars may be their efficiency with regard to energy. The wheels are powered by 60% of the total energy stored in the set of batteries. In contrast, just 20% of the energy from fuel is used by gas vehicles to drive the wheels.

Environmental friendliness is another major benefit of electric vehicles. It’s not only that eco-friendly products are in right now that this subject is so popular. The entire world’s population is seriously concerned about it. Making the switch to environmentally friendly choices is a matter of survival, not style.

Electric automobiles don’t emit any emissions, in contrast to their counterparts that run on fuel. There is a trick, though. There can be some environmental problems if they are powered by a generator. But the entire process is completely clean if the power utilized for charging comes from wind or solar power plants.

Additionally, with the added benefit of superior performance, electric cars are seen to be more pleasurable and comfortable. Compared to their gas-powered counterparts, they are significantly quieter and drive more smoothly. They accelerate really quickly, which is another pleasant surprise.

The low amount of moving parts in electric vehicles makes maintenance far less expensive, which is another great benefit of owning one. Owners of electric cars can also be proud of their vehicles.

Disadvantage of electric cars: 

It is both too fruitful for us and has some losses that we must use. Some of them have high prices for new cars, high initial depreciation, batteries that may weaken over time, high costs for battery replacement, low range, charging issues that may arise, lengthy charging times, are not environmentally friendly when powered by conventional energies, and have a small selection of electric vehicles.

Electric vehicles, however, excel above hydrogen-powered vehicles. Humanity is impacted by hydrogen since it is polluting and expensive. We are currently dealing with the most pressing environmental problems in human history. All of these things—our planet, our lives, and our civilization’s future—are in danger. How can the environment issue be minimized, by the way? Sadly, people overlook the fact that we are a part of nature. We must coexist peacefully with nature and protect it. We should reconsider how we use natural resources. We are accountable for minimizing environmental problems and taking care of them. Therefore, there are ways to assist with the environmental challenge.

The automobile business has advanced significantly, especially when compared to the earliest car models from the 19th century. Because they have so many advantages for the environment and human health, many people think electric vehicles are the way of the future. Others believe that electric vehicles are bad and that gas vehicles cannot be substituted.

Environmental concerns and the price of petrol are two more justifications for the most recent changes. More than ever, cars that run on gas or diesel are considered to be opulent. As a result, search efforts for other power sources have begun.


Although the automobiles’ exteriors may be similar, their interiors are extremely different in terms of both the engines and everything else. Electric vehicles require less maintenance and cost less to operate. They also don’t damage the environment. On the other hand, fuel-powered vehicles are quicker to refuel and better for long journeys. Nevertheless, it might take some time for electric vehicles to proliferate until problems with maintenance and recharging are resolved.  Though, we have several way to reduce environmental crisis such are:

1. Replace disposal items with reusable items. 

2. The use of paper should be avoided .

3 Conserve water and electricity 

4. Support environmental friendly practices. 

5. Recycle waste to conserve natural resources 

6.  Plantation 

7. Reduce air pollution and water pollution 

8.Don’t use fossil fuel. 

These are the most crucial methods for protecting our ecosystem. We won’t ever experience problems if we keep all of these things in mind and put them into practice. We are aware of the environmental issues, yet we are unable to address them. As a result, there are significant issues all around us. Therefore, it is our duty to prevent pollution or maintain a clean environment in our society. Every person has a responsibility to protect our planet from these environmental problems. Our next generation may suffer severe consequences if preventive actions are not done. The government is also making efforts to educate the populace. Every person should take part in efforts to curb and manage pollution.

By: Md Tafsir Ali

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