How to Handle Last-Minute Changes During an Event

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Planning events can be exciting, but that excitement partly comes from overtaking challenges and navigating significant event changes. This is especially true with the problems that arise in the eleventh hour. 

Whether you have a freak snowstorm or some third-party services cancel on you, this guide should inspire backups for the most thorough of event safety planning checklists. Speaking of safety, zkipster provides an excellent guide on prioritizing event safety to keep guests safe.

The advice in this article works for any event, whether a handful of coworkers or an entire wedding party.

Keep reading to soak up some tips to handle whatever life throws your way when planning an event. 

Remain Calm and Flexible

When plans derail, take a deep, calming breath and reassess the situation. Panicking just raises the risk of complicating matters. So, before springing into action, ensure you keep it together. 

The following tips can aid you in staying calm and collected. 

  1. Pause and Assess. Figure out what issues are priorities and focus on those first.
  2. Consult Your Backups. If you have one or more contingencies, this would be the time to decide which works best.
  3. Delegate. Do not hesitate to flag down team members, vendors, or family depending on the event. They can help you carry out your backup plans.

When it comes to running an event, a calm, fluid approach can flatten out any road bumps and keep things running close to the plan.

Communicate With All Parties

Communication is key to correcting the course when problems surface. Keep everyone who needs to be involved informed and apprised of all the same information. Being transparent when communicating will ensure there is no confusion. Also, consider creating a  Q&A since not everyone knows what to ask during a conversation. If they have a link they can visit that’ll answer questions that arise, this can clarify things before they become an issue. 

Notify Your Vendors

If one vendor cancels or has to reschedule, let the other vendors know how this could affect them. For example, a bartender will be much more overwhelmed at a wedding if the catering company’s van gets involved in an automotive accident. So, keep everyone apprised to eliminate stress and ensure everything goes as smoothly as possible. 

Inform Your Guests

Rely on effortless methods for messaging multiple people simultaneously, like e-mail or text messages. Keeping everyone up to date lets them know about changes in venue, date, time, etc.

Coordinate With Team Members

Keep your staff or helpers aware of what occurs so that every division avoids confusion or being left behind. If a key organizer does not respond, have another employee track them down or take it upon yourself to get a hold of them. 

Leverage Your Backup Options

Professional event planners are like Batman; they have multiple plans in case of failure. The great thing about backup plans is that you can work on them well before your event.

  1. Other Vendors: Keep a reliable list of all your vendors so you can quickly find a substitute.
  2. Weatherproof Your Plans: If you are planning an outdoor soiree, arrange access to tents and/or have an indoor venue ready should lousy weather arise.
  3. Reserve Staples. Make sure to have plenty of decorations, utensils, food, and possibly even a generator in case of shortages.

Furthermore, having reserve equipment and alternative options can greatly diminish stressful snags.

Creative Solutions Staunch Chaos

Sometimes, inspiration strikes in a moment of crisis. Rather than perceiving a change as a detriment, consider it a chance to add some pizzazz to your event.

  • If it starts raining during a wedding, move the ceremony to a tent accented with twinkle lights.
  • If your DJ is overindulged at the bar, have a playlist ready on your phone and link it to a decent sound system.
  • If fewer people show up than expected, consider rearranging your seating plan. That way, attendees feel closer to each other.

Wrapping Things Up

Last-minute plan changes can be stressful but do not automatically and irrevocably ruin your event. Remember to keep calm, regularly communicate with everyone necessary, have at least one backup ready for every aspect, and keep an open mind regarding your options. 

As few plans ever go perfectly, thinking your way around challenges is bound to make your event something that guests will remember for a while.

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