By: Fousiamol H

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Essay writing is an art. We can convey our inner thoughts and ideas to others through an essay. We can clearly convey our opinion on current issues to others.

Through an essay we are able to put forward new ideas and thereby make the society aware. We can make people aware often good and bad side of something. What is an essay? How can we write an essay? How to focus on writing an essay?Many questions arise in our mind before writing an essay. Here are the answers to those questions. 

An essay is our findings and suggestions about a topic. When choosing a topic for an essay make sure it has topical relevance. It is better to choose a topic that has interesting facts to attract the readers. We must have deep and clear knowledge about the chosen subject. For that it is better to read a lot of books based on that subject and collect the knowledge of experts, it is also good to do a little stydy about it to get a clear understanding.

Write down your essay in simple and clear way. That is good for the writers and readers. Choose a place for writing that is calm,quiet and free from the presence of many people. This will help us to include more ideas in essay and write well. Even the essay is very short, write it in a way that will make the reader want to read more. Write the essay in paragraphs. 

Instead of copying essays from other media, we can focus on essay writing if we include our own ideas in the essay. Readers will love it. This will make an interest in writers to write more essays. It is the success of the writer to make aware the readers about a topic through an essay. For example drug addiction, citizen participation in the progress of our society this topics has topical relevance. So we can make people aware through this type of essays and this lead to the development of our society. Any one can write an essay, if he has apt knowledge about that topic. It is not a problem that we are not a professional writer. Don’t write about wrong things in essay. Make sure that your essay contain apt and right content about that topic.

If you are interested in essay writing, make it as your passion and career. Because there are so many essay writing jobs around us moreover it is a good to put forward our ideas and suggestions about a topic towards the world. Write the essay in simple language, it make interest in children to read an essay. And they aware about socially and economically important things around us. It is very good for their future. First of all create a good mind set for essay writing. If you are stay focused in essay writing you can write somany essays. While writing an essay, take your time, don’t rush. Keep it simple. Be passionate.

When you write, be passionate about what you are writing. Focus it and just write. Start writing early. Keep the essay question in mind. Don’t try to write an essay from beginning to end, especially not in a single sitting. Write the introduction and conclusion after the body. Use ‘signpost ‘ words in your writing. Integrate your evidence carefully. Identify your distractions. The most challenging part of eliminating distractions is often identifying and acknowledging them.

Focus on one task at a time. Find a positive distractions. To stay focused on writing, you first need to manage or eliminate distractions. Then you need to do one or both of the following; treat writing like a set task with a rigid schedule and demanding expectations; and give yourself space to find inspiration that can get and keep you writing. 

Understand the essay process. Be clear about the topic of the essay. Use essay structure to help you focus. Keep your energy level. Set a quota. Decide before you start working on how much you are going to write. Think about your investment. Think about the structure.

Read what you want to write. Knowing what a finished piece of writing can look like can guide your own. Don’t repeat same paragraph in an essay. These are the ideas to stay focus in essay writing and improve your writing skills. Essay writing is an art. So write an essay including your own ideas and improve your writing skills. Be passionate about writing. Write good essays for the progress of our society. 

By: Fousiamol H

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