How to Crack the RBI assistant exam in your first attempt?

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Candidates appearing for the RBI assistant exam need to focus on specific strategies for cracking the exam in the first attempt. They have to focus on important topics to score well in the exam.  Candidates can follow the given tips in this article that can help them to crack the RBI assistant exam in the first attempt. They can read more here to know about exam preparation. 

Tips to prepare

Candidates can use the given tips for RBI assistant exam preparation. 

Exam pattern

First of all, candidates must have accurate knowledge of exam patterns and the syllabus. They should know the pattern of the examination. This will help them to make proper planning for the exam preparation. There is first a preliminary exam, then the mains exam, and a language proficiency test. There are a total of 100 questions. Each question is for 1 mark. There are 3 sections in the preliminary exam. In the prelims exam, there are 30 questions for the English language, 35 questions for numerical ability, and 35 questions for reasoning ability. The time duration of the exam is one hour. 

For the mains exam, there are a total of 200 questions. There are 40 questions in each section. The paper is divided into 5 sections: 

  • General awareness
  • General English
  • Reasoning ability
  • Numerical aptitude
  • Computer knowledge

Each question carries 1 mark. The total time allotted for the mains exam is 1 hour and 35 minutes. Each section is allotted a time limit and candidates should stick to the time limit to finish the exam in the scheduled time. 

Analysis of the syllabus

Candidates should analyze the syllabus for RBI Assistant exam preparation. They should know the detailed syllabus and topics for the exam. This can help candidates to make a proper strategy for preparation. They can make strategies for each section according to the syllabus. 

Daily practice

Practicing mock tests daily can help candidates in cracking the RBI assistant exam on the first attempt. They can practice weak topics regularly. They should try to solve questions from each section. Giving mock tests regularly will help candidates to manage time and speed. They can also feel confident while solving questions and doing regular mock tests. 


In any bank exam, there is a negative marking for incorrect answers. Therefore, candidates should only try to attempt the questions for which they are confident. They should avoid doing the questions for which they are not sure. Accuracy will help to give better results. Therefore, candidates should focus more on accuracy rather than solving all the questions. 

Candidates can refer to different books for doing preparation. They can find online mock tests that will help them to increase speed. They should know the previous year’s cut-off for the paper. This will help them to understand their weaknesses and strengths. Some important books for reference include a complete book of puzzles and seating arrangements for banking and insurance, yearly current affair PDF for baking, SSC, and railway exams, etc. 


Candidates have to make proper planning for doing the exam. They should look at the previous year’s papers to get an idea of the questions that come in the exam. They can make short notes for quick reference. They should try to use short tricks, rules, formulas, and tricks for a quick revision before the exam. 

Section-wise preparation

Candidates can follow the given tips for each section.

English section

It is an easy section. It includes questions based on English grammar. Candidates can revise all the grammar rules. They should start with the questions about which they are confident. This will boost up their confidence. Fill in the blanks and spotting errors, sentence improvement, and reading comprehension are easy and candidates can score good marks. They should practice two reading comprehension daily. They can read the questions first before reading the passage. This will help them to mark the correct answers. Candidates must read newspapers every day to improve their reading skills and English grammar knowledge. 

Reasoning ability

This seems to be the most difficult section but by using the right strategies candidates can easily solve the questions. Candidates should practice questions on reasoning ability from the previous year’s papers. The most important topics for this section include inequality, puzzles, and seating arrangement, coding and decoding, syllogism, alphanumeric and numeric series, data sufficiency, and miscellaneous problems. 

Numerical ability

This section includes data interpretation and analysis. Data interpretation is lengthy and therefore candidates must practice questions on data interpretation. Candidates should regularly practice questions in this section. In this section, candidates may get moderate to the difficulty level of questions. They should read the question carefully and try to understand the question. Candidates should learn easy and quicker methods for doing calculations. They can focus on solving questions on number series, double diagram DI, missing DI sets, simplification, and quadratic equations. Most questions in this section are from 10 and 12 math. Therefore, candidates can revise all the formulas, rules, and concepts from the class 10 and 12 math books. 

General awareness

This is an important section and can also help in scoring high marks in the exam. Candidates need to focus on geography, science, economy, and current affairs 2021. In this section, most questions are based on the union budget of the current year, economic survey, RBI policies, and policies started by the government, etc. Candidates can prepare for this section from the newspapers. They should read the banking and finance section in the newspaper, financial express, business today, and business lines for preparation of this section. Questions are also asked from sports tournaments, books, and authors, international summits/conferences, etc. Therefore, candidates must-read books on current affairs, and magazines to enhance their general knowledge. 

Candidates have to know the cut-off for each section. This will help to clear the exam and will also help to improve the overall score. Candidates can set a timer while solving mock tests. This will help in proper time management. This can help them to know their strengths and weaknesses and can also help them to focus more on the weak topics and areas.

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