Healthy and Happy Mind

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Today is an another day we are still suffering from Covid. A new sunrise with an old covid season. People are more stressed, tired and annoyed these days as compare to pass days. All want a new change or we can say a new life not only a new life but much better and healthy one.

So for that nowadays people are too much engaged in too many healthy activities such as yoga, exercises, taking nutritious diet going to bed on time, early rising, reading books, spending time with family, making healthy-yummy stuff at home, playing indoor games and much more.

Just because they want to stay healthy, active and mostly safe from this pandemic. But after doing these many activities people are healthy, yes healthy but physically not mentally. They are still feeling depressed, annoyed, stressed, tired and weak too.

Just sit for a while and think after doing these many fruitful activities then why I am so much nervous? Why I am this much stressed? Why I am feeling so weak and depressed these days? I know most of you will not the answer you are searching for.

But do not worry at all! Because this article will surely answer your all questions. But the thing is you have to read it till the end. And you will be surprised that how simple my problem is!

As we know for keeping a body healthy we have to take much more nutritious diet and supplements. Also we need to add a little time for doing yoga or exercise frequently. And to cut down junk food is very much vital.

But this is all about the fitness of body. Here the question is how to take care of our mind? How to feel active everyday? Once we are mentally fit then surely we’ll be physically fit. And for being mentally fit follow the following strategies of this article.


To detoxify anger, stress, anxiety meditation is the best option you should try. And it is simple too. Mindfulness meditation, focused meditation, mantra meditation, transcendental meditation and so on are various types of meditation.

But all you need here is to sit still at any corner of your house or place, close your eyes and just focus on your breathing that’s it. It will also help you to improve your concentration and calm your mind.

Meditation also has many religious beliefs. If you are one of the busiest schedule person then you can try meditation for at least 15 minutes a day. And you’ll surely see the difference in your life.


Gratefulness is also a sign of being contented. And when you feel contentment your mind also feels happy and relaxed. So be grateful for what you have today.

Try to express your gratefulness towards God. Thank God for your friends, family, work and for giving you breath to live today, to see today.

You can do this before going to bed or while waking up. It will hardly take only 2 to 5 minutes a day. And also your brain will feel light.


The most powerful thing in this world is ‘PRAYER’. Nothing can beat the power of prayer. Just join your hand and close your eyes remember God in stillness and say whatever you wants to convey.

Here you can also use the above strategy of being grateful, thank him for everything. You can also chant God’s name or sing your religious song as a pleasing prayer.

It will only take 10 to 15 minutes a day. You can practice prayer at morning or evening. Some people also do prayer before going to bed. Prayer has healing power. It will heal all the wounds of your brain. And will also fill your mind with calmness.


Sometimes no one can fix that music can fix. Music is one of the relaxing tool. And the advantage is you can use this tool anytime, anywhere. Whether you are running, walking or sitting idle music will become your best companion at that time.

Here one thing to keep in mind that do not go for emotional or sad music, try to listen hip-hop or slow beats which will make you feel more blissful and reduces your tiredness.

Just go to your music playlist and pick up your favourite one . Take out your headphones and plug it. Music too has healing power. It will enerzise your mind with the touch of refreshment.


Sleep is the food of our brain and it’s scientifically proven. If you will not take proper sleep then your mind will remain hungry. 7 to 8 hours sleep is essential for every human being. It will keep your brain healthy.

But during the day a nap of 15 to 45 minutes is proven powerful and also very helpful to keep your brain active. It will kick up ‘RESTART’ for your brain. Remember like your body your brain too need rest.

So try to be a snoozing bug for at least 7 to 8 hours during night and 15 to 45 minutes in the middle of the day. And by taking appropriate sleep you will surely notice an activeness in your all work.

Once you will start adding these five strategies in your daily schedule you will notice a better difference in your day. Yes it is necessary to keep your body healthy and fit but you can’t skip your mind. Your brain too deserve happiness and healthiness.

And these all strategies will also help you to avoid laziness and procrastination. One has to fixed these all steps in their daily routine to see visible difference. So for what you are waiting? Start doing these. Here you can also add nutritional diet and exercise to achieve your fitness goal. But don’t exclude the above strategies.

As everything comes with brain. If you are mentally fit, then you are physically fit too. So try to keep your mind happy. These five steps are really very simple to perform for anyone, anytime.

Always remember “ A healthy mind is a happy mind”. Hope this article will be helpful for being HAPPY actually.

By: Nidhi Lakhani


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