Has music ever significantly changed history?

By: Vaishnavi Konkimalla

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Has music ever significantly changed history?

In the early 90s, a small group of researchers discovered a bear’s femur bone with holes in it and posited that it might be an ancient flute. It was an important artifact and was called the Divje Babe flute, or the Neanderthal flute. According to the museum’s knowledge, it has been led to the fact that this flute was associated with Neanderthals, fifty-five years ago. This artifact changed history as the world’s oldest musical instrument in the world and the best evidence for the existence of music in the Neanderthal period.

Music is such an integral part of our lives, that in Hindu Mythology, that we have a Goddess for Music- Goddess Saraswati. When Lord Krishna played flute, it left everyone spellbound and mesmerized. Earliest music in the form of chants started with the temples and eventually reached every nook and corner. It became a gem in the kings’ court and even reached the common man as a form of Folk music. Wisdom and tradition has been passed on in the form of folk music for generations. Music has been used as a means to worship, to pass down something for generations, and to make a child sleep. Music is something we use for every occasion. 

Throughout history, music has been an important companion to ritual and drama, and has the capacity to reflect human emotion. But, has music ever significantly changed history? In my opinion, music does have an exceptional place in changing history. In medieval India, a silent revolution in society brought about a galaxy of socio-religious reformers, a revolution known as the Bhakti movement. The movement made many contributions to society, such as giving women’s rights by letting them join in their religious gatherings, and preventing caste discrimination, etc. They used music as a tool and sang hymns to change the people’s point of view of lower castes. Indeed, they brought significant social and cultural transformations in medieval India. Therefore, music played a vital role in India along with literature. 

Songs such as “Vande Mataram” and “Jana Gana Mana” were composed and sung during the Independence movement of India. The role of these patriotic songs is that its lyrics talk about how great India was, and these songs became a symbol of the Independence movement of India, later on, “Vande Mataram” became the national song and “Jana Gana Mana” became the national anthem of India. Patriotic songs have a very significant impact because they create a feeling of patriotism and nationalism in people’s hearts. Music has a very patriotic effect that motivates people to join and support a struggle.

In the modern period, music also has a significant influence such as the civil rights movement in the United States. The songs popular during the period are “We Shall Overcome” sung by Joan Baez, and “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough” sung by Marvin Garrell and Tammi Terrell, became anthems for the movement, inspiring people to fight for equality. These songs motivated people through long marches, for solace, and a sense of unity. Music has impacted the people so much that, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, a famous activist, said that “songs were the soul” of the movement.

“Music can change the world, because it can change people”
 The statement sums up the profound impact music can have on our society. It serves as a uniting force and promotes social cohesion. Whether through singing, dancing, or attending concerts, music shares experiences in a way that promotes unity, cooperation, and solidarity among individuals and communities. In conclusion, music did significantly change history by promoting social cohesion in shaping individuals and societies alike

By: Vaishnavi Konkimalla

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